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    1. Eli

      [SW Houston] Imbel FN FAL Parts Kits

      I have several Imbel FN FAL kits available: $450 cash FTF in SW Houston, or +$25 shipping. I have 5 available. These kits will be complete and serviceable, with VG or better bore. All mismatch bolt, carrier, & lower; and all have cosmetic issues - expect to refinish. I have 1 kit in worse...
    2. tap&rack_TXinfidel

      HSM .308 168gr Sierra HPBT (South Austin)

      I have 12 boxes of HSM 168gr Sierra HPBT. This stuff shoots fantastic. Got rid of the Knights SR25 ECC so I need to offload my extra .308. Not really wanting to run all over town to split this up, so $180 takes all of it. That's only 15.00 a box...
    3. Eli

      G3 HK-31 PTR-91 Magazines - 50 Available - SW Houston

      I have 50 surplus G3 magazines available, exc-new condition. $5 each or $100 for 25. First come first serve, no pre-selection, some are HK some are FMP some are other European. PM me please! Eli EDIT TITLE: HK-91!!
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