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    1. 45tex

      Wanted S&W Bodyguard .38 which should I trade off.

      WTB/WTT S&W Bodyguard .38 which should I trade off. I have decided to go light and get a Bodyguard Revolver. But I have to trade off something in partial payment for the little S&W. Of the 3 the 1848 .50 cal Muff Pistol is the one I want least. But I overpaid for it many years ago and get upset...
    2. drewinTX

      Plains Rifle Repair?

      I am looking for a gunsmith who can repair the firing mechanism of my 1850 40 cal Cap and Ball Rifle. The hammer will not stay in the firing position when you pull it back. Preferably, if there is any such person, I am looking for someone close to me, in Shelby County.
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