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    1. R

      Trigger gaurd ears on my DB15 pistol.

      I don't know if this is the right place for this question but here it goes. I just picked up this Diamondback ar pistol not too long ago. I noticed that the ears on the lower receiver protrude just a bit beyond the Magpul MOE pistol grip. Has anyone had this problem before? I've been searching...
    2. A

      Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK

      Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK $232 shipped Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK DIAMONDBACK/TAURUS Micro-Compact Diamondback DB9 Micro-Compact DAO 9mm 3" 6+1 Poly Grip/Frame Black The Diamondback DB9 is a micro-compact 9mm automatic polymer framed pistol made entirely in the USA...
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      **BACK IN STOCK** Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK

      Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK $232 shipped Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK DIAMONDBACK/TAURUS Micro-Compact Diamondback DB9 Micro-Compact DAO 9mm 3" 6+1 Poly Grip/Frame Black The Diamondback DB9 is a micro-compact 9mm automatic polymer framed pistol made entirely in the...
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      Diamondback DB380 Micro-Compact DAO 380ACP 2.8" 6+1 Poly Grip/Frame Black **$199**

      Diamondback DB380 Micro-Compact DAO 380ACP 2.8" 6+1 Poly Grip/Frame Black **$199** FREE shipping and NO cc fees. Diamondback DB380 Micro-Compact DAO 380ACP 2.8" 6+1 Poly Grip/Frame Black DIAMONDBACK/TAURUS Micro-Compact Diamondback DB380 Micro-Compact DAO 380ACP 2.8" 6+1 Poly...
    5. A

      Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK **FREE SHIPPING**

      Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK **FREE SHIPPING** $228 Diamondback DB9 9MM POLY BLACK DIAMONDBACK/TAURUS Micro-Compact Diamondback DB9 Micro-Compact DAO 9mm 3" 6+1 Poly Grip/Frame Black The Diamondback DB9 is a micro-compact 9mm automatic polymer framed pistol made entirely...
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