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    1. P

      Emerson Outlaw Signature Series 2018

      I have always been a fan of Emerson Knives. Made in America and top quality. Battle proven. I have a CQC7 for EDC. A few weeks ago i picked up a Outlaw. It is the Signature Series model and this is 33 out of 68. The blade is signed or etched by Ernest Emerson. Here are some pics of the Outlaw.
    2. ATX_Shawn

      Two way pager service?

      Does any one use, or have experience with a pager service, preferably a local company? I have a t900 I want to activate service on. Okay, I expect I will get some questions and some criticism on this so I will try to explain the best I can... After a disaster, or even during a huge influx of...
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