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    1. garabae

      WTS [DFW] EOTech Model 512 Holographic Weapon Sight - 512.A65

      I am selling my less than 1-year-old EOTech 512 holographic sight. It is in near perfect condition. Shot with it only three times, it has been attached to a weapon and kept well. No damage, no scratches, works perfectly. I have all the original boxes and manuals. This is made in the USA. It runs...
    2. garabae

      SOLD [DFW] EOTech Model 512 Holographic Weapon Sight - 512.A65

      I am selling my less than 1-year-old EOTech 512 holographic sight. It is in near perfect condition. Shot with it only three times, it has been attached to a weapon and kept well. No damage, no scratches, works perfectly. I have all the original boxes and manuals. This is made in the USA. It runs...
    3. K

      WTS (Austin) New - EoTech G43 & G45 Magnifiers, EoTech EXPS3-0, Trijicon RMR

      1 - EoTech G43 (3x) Magnifier - $600 5 - EoTech G45 (5x) Magnifier - $600 2 - EoTech HWS EXPS3-0 - $700 1 - Trijicon RMR Type 2 (3.25moa) - $460
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