gen 3

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    1. P

      SOLD Glock 21 gen 3 45acp $450 [San Antonio]

      Glock 21 gen 3 •45acp •Excellent condition •bright night sights •3 mags •Glock plastic case •No shipping. No tax. No fees. ✓Text me at 830-549-095zero $440
    2. P

      SOLD Glock 21 gen 3 45acp (San Antonio)

      Glock 21 gen3 45 ACP •Three factory mags (13 rounds), case and holster •night sights √Text 830-549-095zero $500 obo
    3. jcriswell

      WTB Bare slide for Gen 3 Glock 19

      Need Black Tennifer slide for Glock 19, no cutouts, pimped up colors or scroll work, just slide for Gen 3 Glock 19. Bought a Leo Trade-in that looks like he dropped the gun (more than once) Maybe slammed it in the car door.. or hammered nails with it. If I can't find one on line, I'll end up...
    4. C

      Glock 19 Gen 3 (from 2008) Erratic Extraction

      I bought a lightly used Glock 19 Gen 3 FDE built in around 2007-2008. It has only had 550 or so rounds through it according to the owner and I bought it naively believing that I would be avoiding all the recent Gen 4 G19 issues in so doing. Seems I was wrong. I shot it yesterday and got a ton...
    5. C

      CLOSED Closed

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