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    1. A

      Rossi R97104 971 4IN 357 magnum revolver **FREE SHIPPING**

      Rossi R97104 971 4IN 357 magnum revolver **FREE SHIPPING** $369 shipped no Credit Card fees Rossi R97104 971 4IN 357 magnum revolver ROSSI-- BRAZTECH Standard Revolver Rossi R97104 Revolver 357 RemMag 4" 6rd Black Rubber Grip Blued The Model R971 features adjustable rear...
    2. ATX_Shawn

      Rossi m68 compatible with???

      Hey guys, I have a Rossi M68 and the yoke/crane arm falls out, not sure how it got to this point but the lip that is supposed to retain the yoke is broken. So, I need a replacement yoke. Can anyone tell me what Rossi 68 is compatible with? This is an old pre-lock handgun.
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