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    1. garabae

      SOLD [DFW] Slide for Sig p365xl Spectre Custom Works first gen - $200

      Selling my gently used slide for Sig p365xl Spectre Custom Works first generation. Color is black nitride. It has been used gently but carried daily, so there are some small scuffs and imperfections. However, the nitride finish is generally forgiving and looks good. It is in perfect working...
    2. P

      WTB Glock 19 slide (San Antonio)

      Looking for a Glock 19 slide gen 3. Need barrel and lower parts as well. Will pay cash or trade. Thanks!
    3. jcriswell

      WTB Bare slide for Gen 3 Glock 19

      Need Black Tennifer slide for Glock 19, no cutouts, pimped up colors or scroll work, just slide for Gen 3 Glock 19. Bought a Leo Trade-in that looks like he dropped the gun (more than once) Maybe slammed it in the car door.. or hammered nails with it. If I can't find one on line, I'll end up...
    4. K

      S&W Slides / Colt Barrel / C&S 1911 Parts

      USPS MO or personal check only 1) S&W 4563 / 4566 / 4567 complete slide. Novak sights. NO barrel or recoil system - $65 shipped 2) S&W 59 series complete slide. Low profile sights. NO barrel or recoil system - $65 shipped 3) S&W 469 complete slide with barrel. NO recoil system - $70...
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