2 Rifles Stolen - Baytown, TX - 1 Shilen / 1 Rem 700

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  • mortdooley

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    Jul 25, 2008
    Texas Gulf Coast
    Friday night august 8th in Baytown Texas two rifles I had just sold to a friend were stolen from his truck in front of his hotel room. He was staying at a hotel on Garth Rd and overnight someone took the lock out of the door of his truck to get in. One of the rifles is a Shilen DGA with composite stock and 6.5 X 20 Leupold scope, the other is a 6MM Remington 700 BDL with a stainless Shilen barrel and 6.5 X 20 Leupold scope. The remington has a 21in barrel with camo tape covering it.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Wow, someone actually physically removed the entire lock in the door??? Depending on the circumstances, to me that sounds like maybe someone had knowledge of his firearms being in there. If it was a typically robbery, usually it seems most criminals just use a slim jim or break the window to get in and out as quick as possible. Someone actually taking the time to "quietly" remove the lock shows some unusual determination.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Wow, someone actually physically removed the entire lock in the door??? Depending on the circumstances, to me that sounds like maybe someone had knowledge of his firearms being in there.

    Or it's Ford Super Duty. Punching out the lock is the #1 way of getting in. Many replace the handle with a non-keyed handle or install what is essentially a steel plate.

    My Excursion has a screwed up lock from someone not popping it hard enough on the first try and got my alarm to chirp at them, then they left it.

    I'm not one to leave anything of value like that in any car in any place such as a Hotel no matter how nice or protected the place seems. Phuck tards will pop easy access vehicles like that just to see if there's a CD they'd like to have, and be off doing the next one in seconds if they find what they want quick enough.

    I assume this was reported to BPD with serial numbers??

    Sorry to hear about this. I'm sure it makes it a pretty crappy situation if he already paid you for them.


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    Aug 11, 2008
    I would also like to know if there are serial numbers. If so, I will put this on my watch list.


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    Jul 25, 2008
    Texas Gulf Coast
    To make a long story short I have been selling several rifles for the widow of a friend of mine. Just to be on the safe side I had them checked to make sure they were never reported stolen by his greedy sister and have all the numbers but can only narrow them down to two of five. The truck was a Ford Super Duty and the thieves were after the wifes IPOD on the dash and found the guns while they were looking around.
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