A nearly perfect Failure.

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  • jar

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    Aug 26, 2008
    The Valley
    Let's design a semi, one for everyone.

    Make it 9mm so it is a popular caliber.

    Make the grips ambidextrous so it will appeal to both right and left handers and give it an ambi safety as well. While we are designing, make it easy to switch the mag release from right to left.

    Make the stock rear sight easy to adjust for windage.

    Set the front sight with a pin so it can be changed out easily.

    Make it super slim for easy conceivability.

    It needs to be very reliable, accurate, sturdy.

    Oh, and good looking wouldn't hurt either.

    Finally, make it not just in DA/SA and DAO models, but make it switchable between modes.

    So they built it.








    Good looking:


    and a simple switch for Semi mode or Revolver mode that can even be turned using the end of a case:


    Browning made it, it was called the BDM. It was fast, accurate, reliable, easy to conceal, and available in two tone or blued versions.

    It was also a total failure.

    It also was very easy to take down a field strip, with a Sig like take down lever. Lock the slide back and turn the lever down.


    then pull the slide forward and off.


    In all it was a near ideal pistol that was a complete sales failure.


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    Jul 24, 2008
    Allen, TX
    As I recall it also wasn't very reliable unless it was squeaky clean.
    And, like all Brownings, it was more expensive than most of it's competitors.


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    Aug 26, 2008
    The Valley
    As I recall it also wasn't very reliable unless it was squeaky clean.
    And, like all Brownings, it more expensive than most of it's competitors.

    I've never had any problems related to reliability, but I would also always keep any gun clean.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Hey Jar. Is that your BDM? If so, how do you like it? I'm always interested in obscure things, and especially obscure or at least slightly out of the ordinary guns like that you don't see every day. I was always kind of curious how well BDM's function. I like the way they look. They seem like kind of a slimmed down P226 mixed with a little CZ75, which surely would have to make for at least a half way decent gun if not a good one. ;)


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Ended up selling mine as I had a lot of FTF and FTE.Was told that it was a mag issue but I grew impatient and sold it.


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    Aug 26, 2008
    The Valley
    Hey Jar. Is that your BDM? If so, how do you like it? I'm always interested in obscure things, and especially obscure or at least slightly out of the ordinary guns like that you don't see every day. I was always kind of curious how well BDM's function. I like the way they look. They seem like kind of a slimmed down P226 mixed with a little CZ75, which surely would have to make for at least a half way decent gun if not a good one. ;)

    Yes, it is one of mine and so far over the last decade or so, it's been great. It's closer to the 225 in feel and performance than the 226 which is a dual stack.

    Here it is beside a 225:



    As I mentioned above the takedown is very much like the Sig 225 or 226 as opposed to the SigPro line.


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    Aug 26, 2008
    The Valley
    Ended up selling mine as I had a lot of FTF and FTE.Was told that it was a mag issue but I grew impatient and sold it.

    Yeah. ProMag sold a bunch of aftermarket mags for the BDM and honestly, they sucked. I've never had problems with the factory mags.
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