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  • Rictex94

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    Aug 7, 2021
    Dallas Tx
    Okay so I made up my mind that I am getting a 1911 over a revolver next so with that being said can you guys recommend a 1911 .45

    This will be my first 1911 and by no means am I asking which one is best for a first time one or anything, I'm asking what is the best of the best to own that has the looks, reliability, holds value and performance.

    Thank you in advance!


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    Apr 5, 2012
    Frisco, TX
    Make sure you test out a couple for frame size and barrel length. I was surprised by how different the feel and balance was from a Commander to a Government.

    As for specific one, I have a couple pretty ones, but was honestly surprised to find I really like my RIA Tactical (and I don't feel bad if it gets a little beat up). Its eaten everything I have put through it.


    Omnipotent Potentate for hire.
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    Oct 4, 2013
    Gunz are icky.
    Colt’s can be hit or miss on reliability.
    When they run they run very well. When they don’t they blow.
    My experience with Colt is the plain guns work well. The tricked out ones give the problems.
    Never seen or heard of issues with DW guns. The one i have runs like a champ.
    You get a lot of little custom touches with a DW. IMO for an off the shelf gun they’re the best bargain going today.
    The boutique guns like Wilson, Brown, Baer, Guncrafter are fantastic guns but very pricey. Extremely well fit they take a lot of shooting to break in. Thats not necessarily a bad thing. Gives you lots of practice.

    Every Day Man

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