AR or Bolt question

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  • Dingo

    Active Member
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    May 27, 2021
    I have an Armalite in 7.62, and a Ruger gunsite scout in 308. Neither have been fired.
    I am thinning the safe queens and curious to hear from those that have either gun, and what they like/dislike.


    Watching While the Sheep Graze
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    Sep 30, 2012
    Why would you sell either? Two different critters, both desirable.....

    I use an AR10 for distance and the Scout for shorter ranges........

    Ammo commonality is a plus..........

    I own several NIB firearms that have never been shot other than at the factory.........they're


    Active Member
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    May 19, 2018
    Cooke County, TX
    An investment is worthless until sold or traded.

    I have neither of those so if I were to be presented with the choice, I would want the scout. Mostly because I don't have something similar. I do however have a .30 caliber semi on a different platform so to me, the AR10 would be redundant.

    I would not shoot either until I sold one but I sure would after. If not, sell them both.


    TGT Addict
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    Sep 27, 2017
    What I like about any AR is modularity / flexibility. You’re an upper swap away from a totally different gun.

    The Scout, to me, is more of a truck gun; it has a soul that no AR ever will.

    I’m nit a seller, but if you’re thinning out the safe and neither has been shot, the real question is why not sell both.

    ETA: I don’t consider either of those rifles as investment grade firearms. Yes, they are assets, no they weren’t designed with the intent to appreciate.


    TGT Addict
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    Feb 19, 2015
    ETA: I don’t consider either of those rifles as investment grade firearms. Yes, they are assets, no they weren’t designed with the intent to appreciate.
    Well, the Ruger AR556 would not be considered investment grade. But had I bought a couple at $490 when I considered it, I could have sold them a year later for $1000. Not a bad investment.

    But I waited too long to see if they would go down a bit more...


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    May 27, 2021
    Any gun I buy is considered an investment, but I understand that they are collector grade items. I do feel that at any given time certain political climates make them worth a lot more than I paid.
    i had purchased way more than I, or my family would ever need, as many of us have, and I know my girls would sell the bulk of them, and probably not at the guns true value. I have decided purge most of what I have. Some are easy to let go, but others remind me of why I bought them, and so I dream of putting them to work.
    Thanks for all your input


    TGT Addict
    Emeritus - "Texas Proud"
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    May 22, 2010
    I love my dpms 10 I'm learning to get out to 600yds. I find the 10 serves its purpose.
    But shooting for 10 rings I'm learning bolt is the way to go.

    Why not shoot them both and find out what places they hold for you


    TGT Addict
    Emeritus - "Texas Proud"
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    May 22, 2010
    Any gun I buy is considered an investment, but I understand that they are collector grade items. I do feel that at any given time certain political climates make them worth a lot more than I paid.
    i had purchased way more than I, or my family would ever need, as many of us have, and I know my girls would sell the bulk of them, and probably not at the guns true value. I have decided purge most of what I have. Some are easy to let go, but others remind me of why I bought them, and so I dream of putting them to work.
    Thanks for all your input
    Adopt me ill take care of them ( ok OK I lie at least il sell em for what they are worth).
    Cut me!.jpg


    Active Member
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    May 27, 2021
    I love my dpms 10 I'm learning to get out to 600yds. I find the 10 serves its purpose.
    But shooting for 10 rings I'm learning bolt is the way to go.

    Why not shoot them both and find out what places they hold for you
    I buy all guns with a specific purpose in mind, but my situation and that purpose may not cross paths, which why I have a lot of safe queens. I won’t shoot a gun until I feel that need is developing, and if it never does I feel the gun retains a higher value because it is unfired. Just my crazy logic.


    TGT Addict
    Emeritus - "Texas Proud"
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    May 22, 2010
    I buy all guns with a specific purpose in mind, but my situation and that purpose may not cross paths, which why I have a lot of safe queens. I won’t shoot a gun until I feel that need is developing, and if it never does I feel the gun retains a higher value because it is unfired. Just my crazy logic.
    Nope logic is sound


    TGT Addict
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    Feb 19, 2015
    Any gun I buy is considered an investment, but I understand that they are collector grade items. I do feel that at any given time certain political climates make them worth a lot more than I paid.
    i had purchased way more than I, or my family would ever need, as many of us have, and I know my girls would sell the bulk of them, and probably not at the guns true value. I have decided purge most of what I have. Some are easy to let go, but others remind me of why I bought them, and so I dream of putting them to work.
    Thanks for all your input
    So what are your criteria for deciding what to keep?


    Active Member
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    May 27, 2021
    So what are your criteria for deciding what to keep?
    I have a lot of redundancy or backup systems if you like, I’m eliminating the redundancy and keeping what i think is practical for my daughte, and she has input. Some were passed down from my dad and grandad, so those will pass down. It’s sometimes difficult because I may really love a particular gun, and she doesn’t want it. good example was my galil ace, that thing was awesome, but she told me to sell. :(


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    I have a lot of redundancy or backup systems if you like, I’m eliminating the redundancy and keeping what i think is practical for my daughte, and she has input. Some were passed down from my dad and grandad, so those will pass down. It’s sometimes difficult because I may really love a particular gun, and she doesn’t want it. good example was my galil ace, that thing was awesome, but she told me to sell. :(
    Sounds like you are allowing your daughter to "dictate" what guns you keep or sell?

    Are they your guns, or hers?

    Every Day Man

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