Austin Rifle Club just voted YES to action shooting bays! WOOT!!!

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    Oct 13, 2008
    I am a member of the Austin Rifle Club, and I just got back from the club picnic after the membership held an election to vote on a proposal for whether or not the club was going to build action shooting bays so that we could host action shooting events in the future (IDPA, SASS, USPSA, etc.).

    The vote tally out of 140 voting members present was 116 FOR, 23 AGAINST, 1 ABSTAINING. WOOT!!! Action shooting events coming soon to an Austin Rifle Club near me! I voted FOR this, in case it wasn't already obvious.

    It will take at least 2 months for the construction if all goes well. That's all for now, gotta go run some errands. I've been waiting for this moment for months. YEEHAW!!!


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    Apr 22, 2009
    I've been thinking about applying to become a member - and have been browsing their website to figure out what kindof stuff they do. Besides the classes offered, what does the club do??
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    Oct 13, 2008
    I've been thinking about applying to become a member - and have been browsing their website to figure out what kindof stuff they do. Besides the classes offered, what does the club do??

    Loads of stuff. Check their calendar of events.

    Tomorrow is the next new member orientation. You'd need to read all the new member procedures. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until the first Sunday of next month. Come by the ARC table at the Austin gun show and pick up a flyer worth half off the initiation fee.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I was also there to vote on this and I'm extremely happy with the voting outcome. The construction should start up soon and has a planned completion time frame of no more than 60 days from the start. I'm not ashamed to admit that my father did the range design on this project and It's awesome that it will happen. I encourage people in the Austin area to join up, it's a great range and these action shooting bays are going to make it even better!
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    Oct 13, 2008
    Reminder: the first Sunday of every month is new member orientation day at the Austin Rifle club. It starts at 3PM. If you ever thought about joining, today is the the day this month. I'll be there as an RSO. I joined in January and I love it.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Any idea why 23 voted no? Was it a question of money (raising dues), safety, etc.?

    Lack of understanding on the safety aspects for the most part. Those people don't understand that there is plenty of safety built into the competitions and think because it's not on a fixed firing line it somehow turns into a rounds going all over the place. Basically, 23 voted against it because they are ignorant. But isn't that the way of things.


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    Mar 28, 2008
    I agree it was mostly a lack of knowledge on the NO votes, and a bit of "we are successful, why change?" I wonder how many of the NOs have ever seen an action shooting match or attended the demo a bit ago?


    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Lack of understanding on the safety aspects for the most part. Those people don't understand that there is plenty of safety built into the competitions and think because it's not on a fixed firing line it somehow turns into a rounds going all over the place. Basically, 23 voted against it because they are ignorant. But isn't that the way of things.

    If the RSO get's shot, then what's going to happen?

    (Inside Joke)
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    Oct 13, 2008
    HUGE progress made on action shooting bays! WOOT!!!

    I was at the ARC yesterday to do a little shooting, and I was amazed at the progress that has been made on the action shooting bays. Tons of earth have been moved, the bays are definitely taking shape. The 'moving the dirt' part of the project is far enough along that you really start to visualize the end result.

    I'm really sorry I didn't take a camera with me to post a picture. I'm very impressed.



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    Mar 28, 2008
    I was there today and totally agree, the berms seperating the bays are up and LOTS of dirt moved. Very impressive!!!


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    Feb 25, 2009
    Stopped by, I hadnt been in over a week...those things are massive!! 18 ft are towering bays..Looks good.Cant wait.
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