Bas Ruten's Bully Solution

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  • Sasquatch

    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020

    I *think* he's serious on this one - his personality is sometimes hard to read because he can play straight when he's fucking around, but then again, this guy was a successful cage fighter, kyokushin karate black belt (full contact bare knuckle fighting karate) - this could genuinely be his solution to ending bullying. Can't argue with its effectiveness, especially if you can surprise said bully with that pill shot. Every guy's natural instinct is to check a kick/strike coming at the balls, but speed / luck can land a solid blow. His liver shot and right straight follow up most certainly would hurt like a mother. If the liver kick is solid enough, the right straight would be unnecessary, because the target most likely will collapse from the shock and just drop like a sack of taters.


    TGT Addict
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    Apr 13, 2018
    I guess. I like the guy. He’s always been cool as hell and his full Nelson escape is epic.

    In general I don’t like short lessons for people. I much prefer to break down all the why’s for training and body mechanics but I have much love for him. Even in his old age he would do heavy damage to most people.

    He’s serious though. That’s just how he is and why he’s a classic.

    People can do what they want. I personally find outside and inside kicks useless. It’s why reading shoulders matter and if they dip forward like that with hands down that’s a good time for a clutch, knee, and hook. I witnessed this all the time with jui jitsu guys. Even blue belts will shoot in with hands down.

    But I’m just talking about it cause I know you have a history. I’m not interested in giving advice to anyone. Just some things I’m trying to move on in life with.


    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    I guess. I like the guy. He’s always been cool as hell and his full Nelson escape is epic.

    In general I don’t like short lessons for people. I much prefer to break down all the why’s for training and body mechanics but I have much love for him. Even in his old age he would do heavy damage to most people.

    He’s serious though. That’s just how he is and why he’s a classic.

    People can do what they want. I personally find outside and inside kicks useless. It’s why reading shoulders matter and if they dip forward like that with hands down that’s a good time for a clutch, knee, and hook. I witnessed this all the time with jui jitsu guys. Even blue belts will shoot in with hands down.

    But I’m just talking about it cause I know you have a history. I’m not interested in giving advice to anyone. Just some things I’m trying to move on in life with.

    I love Bas too, and his latest gig as the commentator on the Karate Combat shows is great.

    This short he put out just reminded me of his cameo on Grand Theft Auto IV where he co-hosted a goofy Man Show like show in the GTA universe.

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