Beretta 92 FS Compact L M - A Rather Unique Pislol Among Beretta's 92 Series

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  • Glenn B

    Retired & Loving It
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    Sep 5, 2019
    Texarkana - Across The Border
    The Beretta 92FS Compact L M is a rather unique pistol among Beretta's 92 series guns. At first glance it looks much like all, or at least most, of the other pistols in that lineup. Of course, it is a compact model; so, it is smaller than the full size models but there is something much more different about it that makes it (in both black and stainless steel versions) stand out from the crowd.

    Not one to dance around the maypole on such a subject let me get right to it and reveal it is a single stack magazine version of the normal double stack magazine pistols in that series. Until I bought one in February 2021 at an auction last year (as of this writing), I did not even know they existed. In fact, when I first received it, I was at first very surprised it was a single stack and then became rather upset that the auctioneer made no mention of that fact in the description. I became even more upset, I suppose irate, when I realized what it would cost to purchase an additional magazine for it since it only came with one magazine. The only OEM (original equipment manufacturer) magazine I could find was going for $75.00 on Ebay and yes I bought it. In fact I just purchased another, recently, used, from Ebay @ $95.00, plus shipping and or tax. It came to about $102.00 total

    They are not easy to find and expensive once tracked down. As someone on one of those reality picker or pawn shop shows once said though: "The time to buy it is when you see it". I would change that to "The time to buy it is when you first see it"! If you take your eyes off the treasured item even for a moment, someone else may snatch it up and you may never see it again. I missed several purchase opportunities in the past before I ever heard that saying but it really makes sense so nowadays I try to go by it (or go buy it) whenever I can for something I really need or want but is hard to come by. I miss/lose nowhere nearly as many purchase opportunities since I have heard that adage & follow it.

    Other than the costs of extra magazines though, I am quite pleased with the Beretta 92FS L M Compact. Note, it only is stamped 92FS L on the slide but the box says 92FS L M and the serial number on the box is the same as on the gun. I know there is also a 92FS L that comes with a double stack magazine; so, I am surmising that the M designation, shown on my box for my pistol'sserial number & type indicate the pistol is a single stack version. I digress...

    As I was saying, I am quite pleased with this Beretta. It looks like new, shoots seemingly better than I can aim (only shot it at paper at 7 yards now since my latest range trip with it) and the single & rather small hole in the paper impressed me. It functioned flawlessly as did the mags. Its size is much more concealable than the longer & thicker 92FS full size pistol. It fits in the hand better because the grip and pistol grip area of the frame are thinner than on the full size. While the mag is only single stack, it holds 8 rounds plus one in the chamber that makes 9 altogether. That is not great but not too bad at alleither. Everything else was fairly the same as on the full size 92FS and all of the controls essentially were the same. So, not only do I like the controls, I am quite familiar with them in that, before buying this one, I already owned three other 92 series pistols. I love it.

    Now that I have bought a third OEM mag from the Ebay seller, I will stop buying OEM mags and maybe buy some aftermarket ones. I saw them, the after market ones, on Ebay for about $60 each much less than what I paid for two OEM mags. I like to have lots of spare magazines for my possible carry pistols or even for target guns. I also like to shoot them enough to be quite competent with them. This one is no exception to the others in that series that I own, it shoots as well as any other of my 92 series Berettas. Did I already say: I love it - if not I am saying it now.
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    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    I kick myself sometimes for *not* buying the first one of these I ever saw. It was the "Inox" - stainless steel - version with black plastic grips. I went with a Glock 19 instead, the Beretta was $50 more, but the ergonomics on that little gun are fantastic. Cool find you have there, and those wood grips look great on the blued gun.

    Every Day Man

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