Bolt Rifle Suggestions

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  • TAZ

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    Oct 17, 2008
    Round Rock
    So I am pretty close to wrapping up my 2 AR projects and am considering another money pit in the form of a bolt gun. I have neither the tools not the skills to actually build one, so aside from some basinc accessories it needs to run out of the box.

    I would like for it to be 308 since I have some experience with the round and have dies some brass....

    The majority of the time spent behind it will be at a range punching paper, but I would like to be abel to get out in the field with it and go after hogs and deer. We are talking maybe 80/20 range/field at best probably closer to 90/10. While I have owned some heavy barrel varmint/tactical rigs and enjoyed shooting them at a range or in a supported environment, I am not vain enough to pretend that humping a 14#+ rifle around the field will do anything but give me a heart attack :)

    I have fondled a Tikka T3 that felt very good in the hand and I am told they are VERY good shooters, so shooting for groups at the range would not be a frustrating experience.

    Any other suggestions aside form getting a varmint rig and gym membership.


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    Nov 11, 2008
    Deep in the Heart of Texas

    Savage Centerfire Hunting Rifle 16FHSS

    or if you want more of a tactical model:


    Savage Arms 12 Series Varmint Model 12FVSS

    Hard to beat a Savage.

    The most accurate reasonably priced production model rifle out there IMHO.


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    Aug 7, 2008
    San Antonio
    Those Savages are hard to beat for value. Nice thing is, if you get bored with .308, they are relatively easy and inexpensive to rebarrel.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    The Savage rifles are nice, though I've been really happy with my Tikka T3 Lite in .308. Remington 700s are another option. I don't like the lack of space in the short action .308 Remington 700 rifles. It normally wouldn't be a problem but Remington puts rather long throats on their rifle chambers, so at maximum OAL that will fit in a short action magazine, a .308 projectile won't even come close to the rifling. Some people argue that it has negligent effect on accuracy, but I've heard otherwise. I've only ever shot a 700 in .30-06 and while it was a nice rifle, I wasn't impressed with it's accuracy compared to mine. The Savage and Tikka will group tight, the Tikkas have a 1" guarantee. My first two rounds at 50 yards went through the exact same hole, so I have little reason to doubt their accuracy claim. My groups at 100 yards have been tiny as well.


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    Oct 17, 2008
    Round Rock
    Those Savages are hard to beat for value. Nice thing is, if you get bored with .308, they are relatively easy and inexpensive to rebarrel.

    I like Savage also. I have had 2 Savage 10FP's to date and both have been better out of the box than either my 700PSS and Mod 70 Stealth. Maybe I should stick to what I know.

    Sako TRG

    Go big.

    I would love to, McBrides even has one in stock. Wanna buy a Kidney???


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    Dec 28, 2008
    we have two Rem VLS in 308 that are truly same hole guns at 100yrds both are out of the box , the only mods made were trigger. thay ARE heavy to carry but being in TX most our hunting is from a blind .

    Old Man of the Mountain

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    Jan 5, 2009
    There is a new rifle that is supposed to exist, but I have not seen one in person yet. It was shown on a TV program this year.

    A new I-Bolt from TC.

    It is supposed to be super accurate just like the regular I-Bolt, but it is a synthetic stock Tactical Model with a 10 round detachable box magazine.

    It looked real good on TV, but have not seen one anywhere so far.


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    Jan 6, 2009
    nacogdoches, tx
    LOL, and he happens to be selling one!

    He's not sugar coating it though, they are damn nice rifles.

    lol, thanks alan. took my shooter to the range today, popped off about 80 rounds working up a load. my best friend has a savage 12bvss in 308, and is sick with it after shooting mine, lol.

    42 gr varget in win brass cci 200 lr primer, 175 smk, 2.80 OAL... one really bad dude, lol. 42.5 gr, and 41.5 gr opened up a bit. dunno why, but 42 is the magic number for my gun.

    Old Man of the Mountain

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    Jan 5, 2009
    lol, thanks alan. took my shooter to the range today, popped off about 80 rounds working up a load. my best friend has a savage 12bvss in 308, and is sick with it after shooting mine, lol.

    42 gr varget in win brass cci 200 lr primer, 175 smk, 2.80 OAL... one really bad dude, lol. 42.5 gr, and 41.5 gr opened up a bit. dunno why, but 42 is the magic number for my gun.

    There you have it, once you discovered the sweet spot for your cartridge load for your particular rifle at 42, you have found the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!

    Almost makes me want to get out and work up a load.

    The only problem I have ever had with Varget so far is finding some for sale.

    But while I am thinking about it, since you are using 175 SMK's you might want to give Hodgdon H-380 a try, some of us out this way have had some real good luck whit that powder/bullet combination.


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    Oct 17, 2008
    Round Rock
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I ran across a Savage 10FP in a Choate knock off a McMillan A4 stock at a REALLY good price that i couldnt pass up. Definitely NOT a rifle I'll want to hump around in the field, but for my 80%+ time at the range it will do nicely. The 5R seems like a nice rifle, but the only one I ran across was twice the price.
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