CC Badges?

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  • chevydeerhunter

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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    An acquaintance of mine is wanting to get his CCL. While talking the other day, he mentioned the fact that he wanted a concealed carry badge. I was stunned that they were available and told him that I would never carry one of those. The key word in concealed carry is "concealed". I convinced him that it wouldn't be wise to advertise the fact that he could be packing. That would be like having a target on your back. I also told him that if he wanted to wear a badge, there are plenty of professions that would accomodate him. Some kids these days!:rolleyes: Anyway, he's a good guy and I didn't want to steer him wrong.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    If it were an ID of sort to be carried in your wallet, I could see where it ight be a good idea. Otherwise, I am with you all on the idea of "outing" my concealed carry.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Carrying a CC badge is like carrying around a security guard badge when you're not at work. Not only gay, but a really bad idea. If someone were to see it, something happened, and people think you are a cop even though you haven't talked to them. Things could get very ugly for a time. Plus if a cop saw it, they would make fun of you until you cried. Then they would give you a huge lecture on how bad that idea is. Just my opinion though.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    The problem with those badges is they do not carry any kind of legal weight with them and really don't stand for anything except adding some "bling" to your actual CHL license card. The CHL card itself is all you need, and by Texas state law are required to carry when you carry. The badge is sort of a novelty IMO and doesn't serve much of a purpose except to look "cool". I would tell your friend to spend the money on a box or two (whatever the equivalent cost amounts to) of ammo to get in some more training (you can never have enough IMO) at the range. Also, the whole point of concealed carry is keeping your carry of a weapon...well....concealed! Wearing a badge on your person stating that you are carrying is counterproductive, tacky, and IMO could be dangerous under some circumstances. I have seen some people attach these badges to the inside of their wallet in a similar manner to some law enforcement agencie's shields, but IMO this really just doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever for civilians.

    Hobie Dog

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    Feb 24, 2008
    San Marcos, Texas
    Actually, I don't know that it is legal.(??) To be properly concealed the gun must be "indiscernible". In other words, no one is supposed to know you have it. What is the purpose of the badge? You may get arrested for impersonating. Charges my not stick but the court costs could be expensive.

    My first instructor told us not to tell anyone we had a license to carry. Why have people either fear you (gun haters) or depend on you to take care of them when if you aren't in law enforcement.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    I want my concealed carry gun to be just that, concealed. No one should know I have it unless I pull it out. Having a badge that announces that "I HAVE A GUN ON ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!" seems pretty pointless. ....and a little gay.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I'm agreeing with others in here, there is no use advertising that you have a concealed carry permit, it's supposed to be concealed after all.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    You already get a photo ID from the state?
    Yeah... I meant it could be part of that ID to confirm your CCL. (if at all) I sure as hell don't think there should be any external BS announcing your carry.

    Since nobody else seized the opportunity.

    "Badges?... We don't need no stinkin' badges"


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    Feb 25, 2008
    San Marcos, TX
    CC Badge

    I'm in agreement...not a good idea to advertise that you are carrying. Some over-zealous deputy might give you some legal grief over that.

    I just renewed my CHL for the 3rd time last Fall and the instructor said that there might be some legal problems with "flashing" your CHL license to anyone other than a cop that is asking for ID.


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    My first instructor told us not to tell anyone we had a license to carry. Why have people either fear you (gun haters) or depend on you to take care of them when if you aren't in law enforcement.

    Why? I don't care if people know I have a CHL. In fact people finding out (because a fried mentioned I had one) has brought many a discussion and the opportunity to take them shooting, and help them get a CHL also, or educate them about gun ownership and the merits of having a CHL.

    To me the gun is a tool, just like my Letherman. I use it when needed. I don't whip out my leatherman just because I have it, but I'm not afraid to tell someone I have one when the the topic is brought up. Same with a CHL. It is a great opportunity for non gun owners to see that responsible people carry a gun and they didn't even know it.

    Personally I think it should be a right to carry and we shouldn't have to have a CHL.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Why? I don't care if people know I have a CHL. In fact people finding out (because a fried mentioned I had one) has brought many a discussion and the opportunity to take them shooting, and help them get a CHL also, or educate them about gun ownership and the merits of having a CHL.

    To me the gun is a tool, just like my Letherman. I use it when needed. I don't whip out my leatherman just because I have it, but I'm not afraid to tell someone I have one when the the topic is brought up. Same with a CHL. It is a great opportunity for non gun owners to see that responsible people carry a gun and they didn't even know it.

    Personally I think it should be a right to carry and we shouldn't have to have a CHL.

    I agree with you wholeheartedly, but since it is and intended to be carried out of sight, I just think having a badge that can be flashed is just immature, IMHO. I think the whole state of Texas should be like Kennesaw, GA.:D


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Irving, TX
    Even if we didn't have to carry concealed, I would still do it. I do have to say that it would be nice if I didn't have to worry about being made though.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    Maybe I missed something, but I have no idea what a concealed handgun license badge is supposed to be. I did a quick look at the Department of Public Safety website and they don't say anything about badges.

    I [right now] don't think they are legit......and I can't understand why anyone would have one.

    Would anyone like to lend some insight?


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Here's one to give you an idea: Link

    Basically it's a cheap gimmick, and you can usually find them at novelty stores which says a lot IMO. ;) They are not legit and don't do anything. As far as I know they aren't illegal most places either, though they are kind of tacky IMO. I say just become LE if you want a badge. ;) I agree, even if we could open carry I would still rather carry concealed. I feel that there are far too many irrational people and liberals out there that would just go nuts about constantly seeing armed people, that it's better they remain clueless as to whether you are carrying or not. IMO it just makes everything a lot smoother.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    I followed the link and have to say that it is the silliest thing I have seen in quite some time.

    The scenario they show should be amended: "You have your pistol trained on someone when the police arrive. The bad guy yells that you are going to shoot him. You quickly remember that you have your CHL badge in your pocket & quickly grab for display to the police". "Bang".

    HK_Fiend, I agree, even if we could open carry, I prefer concealed.
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