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    Apr 12, 2008
    as a single guy i wonder is it just the taken ones that are into guns or am i just looking in the wrong places

    so many of the galls i talk to are so anti gun its not even funny and frankly makes me sick


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    They are pretty rare, but being in Texas you are going to come across them.

    Usually a boyfriend or father got them into guns is what I find.

    We get alot of girls coming into Red's wanting to shoot for the first time, so it might be a fun date if you feel comfortable with it.

    I find that most young people are anti-gun, or have horrible misconceptions about guns. Girls tend to be more shy and timid around firearms, but as a result, tend to be better shots off the bat.


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    Jun 27, 2008
    I think it is true that most chicks with guns were encourage by a husband or boyfriend, so they are already attached. But keep your eyes open. You never know when that unmarried girl gunslinger will cross your path.


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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    My lovely wife of 21 years was brought up with guns & knows how to shoot. One of the big reasons I married her. Over the years I've never heard shit about buying a gun I wanted or leaving to go hunt including 3 safari's in africa.

    So where are good places to find these chicks? Join a gun club, the safari clubs, friends that shoot have sisters that may shoot. The problen can be that with both of y'all into it she may want her own guns.


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    Mar 28, 2008
    Well, as a chick (who does like guns) - let me unabashedly say, don't judge a book by its cover when you go out to the social spots and are around a larger group of people. Basically, don't ignore a girl because she's not as smokin' hot as the chick across the room who looks like she's going to work at 2am. I was/am a tom-boy...the son my dad never had (I have 2 younger sisters) so I learned alot from Dad in regards to 'guy stuff'. I love it...though, I think that was part of it, guy's don't want to date 'their buddies'.

    I can hold my own but I don't think I'd ever win any beauty contest. I stay in shape but I'm not a bombshell by any means and God saw fit that I have average sized 'accessories'. I can't tell you the number of times I was kinda left hanging in the wind by a guy cause he went chasing a tail and that completely backfired on him. Then he comes back complaining about things that I'd easily knock out of the park

    lol Ok, guess I have some past issues

    Anyway, sometimes what you're looking for might be right in front of you but you just don't notice it. It's one of those can't see the forest for the trees sorta things.

    Don't worry, a gal you can really get along with will come around.

    As for why I like guns, well, we grew up with them. Dad taught us how to use them. We'd go hunting, go shoot cans, take care of the house...etc..

    When I started dating my now husband, I went over to his place for dinner. He had a pistol sitting on his end table. I asked him about it and it went from there. We did go to the range a few times for dates. It made for a fun outing. So it was nice surprise to kinda stumble across his pistol (get your minds out of the gutter!) and strike up a common activity. Before then, all I regularly shot were rifles and I had shot revolvers a couple times with friends and their dad's out on the leases and such.


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    Mar 10, 2008
    I found it easier to just find a girl, THEN introduce her to shooting. Starting off small cal. of course. If your girlfriend doesn't take to shooting, continue to look for a girlfriend who likes it. I have a wife of 27 years who didn't shoot when we met, but took to it after spending time with me. Here is a picture of her on our last vacation, last June and a couple of pics from the previous vacation.

    Don't expect your girlfriend to enjoy shooting as much as you. To get her interested, do your best to make it fun for her. Long, hot shooting sessions won't please her! Make the sessions short and fun, and before you know it she will want to spend more time shooting. Expect her to prefer to do "girl" stuff more though.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    ... When I started dating my now husband, I went over to his place for dinner. He had a pistol sitting on his end table.

    This reminds me when my daughter BF picked her up to take her to her band banquet; I had my pistol sitting on the table...

    He turned out to be a fine young man and goes to the same college as my daughter. We were once talking all togther about the scariest moments of our lives... it was funny that his response was the day I mentioned above.


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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    I was surprised by the shit guns that I've seen dads try & intimidate me with when I was younger & dating their daughters. That & some of the crappy deer mounts I've seen. Nothing like being the ultimate bad boy by out gunning daddy.


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    I was surprised by the shit guns that I've seen dads try & intimidate me with when I was younger & dating their daughters. That & some of the crappy deer mounts I've seen. Nothing like being the ultimate bad boy by out gunning daddy.

    Yeah, it's funny you mentioned that as I recently learned a while back that the reason my Father-in-Law and wife's uncles didn't try to "intimidate" me while we were dating/engaged was because they realized early on that I had them outgunned. I have been shooting shotguns competitively since I was 10 and was always into rifles and pistols and had a decent collection that my wife apparently told them all about. Just jogged that memory loose with that statement and I had to share. I also introduced my wife to guns. Even though she was raised around them she had never been taught to shoot until I got hold of her. Which brings up another thread drift: teach your daughters the same as you would your sons. Ok, I'll shut up now and quit the thread drifts.


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    The first date I took my wife on was a gun show{ yes, before I decided to quit giving them my business due to 30.06} in 1998. Her exact words were" You are taking me to a gun show on our first date?......COOL"

    I am a most fortunate man.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    That particular day I came back from the range and that was why the gun was out. I don't resort into petty intimidation that is so cliché. Heck, everyone has heard the story of the "father cleaning the gun" or "father showing the boy his shotgun"... I had and still have no reservations over my daughters judgment, I raised her with good values and am very proud of the fine young woman she become. I guess, what scared her date were my words to him: "You make her cry... I make you cry" other than being Italian he knew very well I wasn't kidding. The gun just so happen to be there on the table, ending up unintentionally putting the proverbial 'icing on the cake'. :cool:


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    May 29, 2008
    Eight years ago, my fiance said "Over my dead body you'd own a gun!" But after learning the ropes on safety and proper shooting etiquette during a couple of shoots with my buddies and a few LEO's, she finally gave in and has never complained about any purchases or any time I decide to go to the range or gun shows. She even surprises her coworkers and friends when SHE initiates conversations about guns since she doesn't look like the type to be an enthusiast.

    She's into guns almost as much as I am now. Especially loves the full auto stuff and she can't ever pass up an oportunity. From there, all my buddies make sure I always bring her out to ease their girlfriends anxiety and answer any questions they might have from a female's perspective. Makes the whole deal a win win, where you can take another couple who doesn't know much and some who are afraid of guns and show them the ropes, both male and female. She's convinced even her other girlfriends on how to enjoy shooting and they call us up all the time asking when's the next shootout.

    Again, you definitely have to keep the shooting sessions short and start off with the smaller calibers.

    From there, they might eventually get into your other hobbies that most women wouldn't be interested in. Ours was airsoft. She didn't mind getting down and dirty while humping around in the woods for hours on end, low crawling in the mud, dodging bannana spiders, or fighting off the swarms of misquitos. Here in Houston, she goes by Juliet and has a reputation out on the field that's known in the Houston airsoft community.

    Enough from this long post, sorry. Here's some pics and vids of my lovely...

    IMG_3634.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    IMG_7548.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    IMG_4527.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Video of ASC - Memorial Day Amy w/ PS90 #1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    AmyMP5.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Oh, I also forgot to mention that she's also the one who buys me all my toys...
    Yea, I know. Now i'm just showing off...
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