CHL Travel Questions

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  • PMG2010

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    Feb 8, 2010
    I am planning a trip with my family this summer. We will be driving from Dallas to South Carolina. I hope to conceal carry during the trip. We will be driving in the states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. We will be staying overnight in Alabama (hotel), North Carolina (family house) , South Carolina (family house) and possibly Georgia (hotel).

    I see that all these states have reciprocity with Texas for CHL licensing, but there are other factors to consider, such as:

    1. What locations are carry-prohibited by statue in each state?
    2. What is the 30.06 equivilent signage in each state?
    3. Can I glovebox my sidearm in each state?
    4. What is the duty to retreat / Stand ground law in each state?

    Does anyone know the answer to these questions for Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina, South Carolina?

    Does anyone know of a good website that will tell you all this info just by giving it a list of states you are traveling through?

    I should mention that the sidearm in question is a Springfield XDm with a native capacity of 16+1, so any magazine restrictions would be important.

    What other factors am I forgetting?



    Flyin' 'round in circles........somewhere
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    Dec 24, 2012
    Hill County
    Since it appears that you have an internet connection, and know which states, and what part of those states you are traveling to, and through, I would suggest that you do your due diligence and check on each state's restrictions first hand. Do you really want to risk your freedom on hearsay and somebody else's information?

    Not trying to be rude, but, laws have been known to change overnight.


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    Since it appears that you have an internet connection, and know which states, and what part of those states you are traveling to, and through, I would suggest that you do your due diligence and check on each state's restrictions first hand. Do you really want to risk your freedom on hearsay and somebody else's information?

    Not trying to be rude, but, laws have been known to change overnight.
    Don't listen to him ;).
    Just so you know, in Alabama you have to have the pistol duct taped to your head, and if I remember correctly in Georgia you have to have it duct taped to the back of your head.

    Always rely on something you read on the internetz, always.

    Edit to add: just saw that in Georgia you will be staying at a hotel. The Georgia Hotel Carry Act will apply. In addition to having the gun duct taped to the back of your head, you will have to do the Snoopy Dance while traveling through the lobby.

    Remember, if you read it on the internetz, it has to be true.

    Disclaimer: everything in the above post is meant for entertainment purposes. Following the online advice of someone whose screen name is a Japanese demon that preys on travelers is not advised.
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    Jan 31, 2016
    Alvin Texas
    Not sure about the rest of your questions, but you can conceal in your auto in Louisiana and Mississippi. My Wife goes to Mississippi twice a year and conceals in the truck every time.


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    Feb 8, 2010
    This is what I found: Let me know if you live in one of these states and think this sounds wrong. Thanks.

    STATEReciprosityGun Buster EnforceableSignageParks, Historic sitesOther Places IllegalResturants that Serve AlcoholGloveboxMust InformOpen CaryMag limit
    TXYESNO30.06 / 30.06 / 51%OKCourts, amusement parks, voting, schoolsOK, no drinkingOKYESOKNo
    LAYESYESAnyOKlocalities can still regulate the carrying of firearms in certain commercial establishmentsOK, no drinkingOKYESOKNo
    MSYESYESAnyOKPolice, courthouse, voting, school,churchOK, no drinkingOKNoOKNo
    ALYESYESAnyOKPolice, jail, courthouse, sanitarium, school, pro athleticOK, no drinkingNO. Must be unloaded & in locked compartment NOT the glovebox or Console. (ie: a car safe only)NoOKNo
    GAYESNO“No Firearm” signs in Georgia have no force of law unless they are posted on property that is specifically
    mentioned in State Law as being off limits to those with a Permit/License to Carry
    OKCourthouse, church, sannitarium, voting, jail, nuke, schoolsOK, no drinkingOKNoOKNo
    SCYESYESAnyOKChurch, hospital, courthouse, voting, school, daycare, police or jail.OK, no drinkingOKYESNONo
    NCYESYESAnyOK (concealed only)Some Cities/Counties have/may have ordinances against open carryOK, no drinkingOK, except at schoolsYESNONo
    TNYESYESAnyOKCourt, SchoolOK, no drinkingOKNoOKNo
    ARYESYESAny police, jail, court, gov meting, athletic event, bar, schoolOK, no drinkingOK w/ licenseYESOKNo

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