Coworker Buys Gun After Break-In

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  • Code3GT

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    Jun 12, 2008
    Last week a co-worker of mine was driving into work from San Antonio when he got the dreaded call. Someone had broken into his home while his wife and son were home. This is at roughly 10-10:30 at night. I got to work and my first reaction was "how many bad guys did she shoot?"...none, oh thats right, its a "gun-free zone". My reply, well, that sucks, but the odds could've been different. Supposedly one was caught shortly after but the psychological effects on the Mrs. were detrimental.

    For the last 6 months, i've been telling him that working nights, an hour plus away, that his home should be protected. His wife should have working knowledge of a firearm, be it a shotgun, rifle, or handgun. He always put it on the back burner and said "yeah I know but I just dont have time". Well, he found the time after this incident! He bought a Glock something or other the other day. I've been very supportive of his decision and will probably help him do a security overhaul of his home. Another positive is that it has a LOT of other folks in the "office" asking me about CHL and HD guns, etc.


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    Jun 12, 2008
    I asked him to find out the response times of the PD and imagine what could happen in those minutes, and how a gun could impact the result. I then told him to let me know when he was ready to go shopping :) Not a bash on cops, I used to be one. I know I couldnt be everywhere at once, just a fact of life.


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    Dec 2, 2008
    I bought my first gun (and dogs and selected burglar bars) after a daytime break-in that my son almost walked right into. Luckily he noticed broken pane in the back door and backed out before being spotted. Called Mom at work and the police, who showed up in minutes and caught the bad guys red-handed.

    Your buddy's situation was obviously much scarier and more serious than ours, but it gets your attention pretty quick when you think about what could of happened.


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    Dec 11, 2008
    Austin, TX
    where the people who broke in to your house of a minority pursation? call me a racist if you want, Im just curious about these kind of statistics. don't get me wrong, it wouldnt suprise at all of they were meth-addicted white trash. like i said, just curious.
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