Dan Wesson .357 - Barrel to Cylinder Gap

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  • UtopiaTx

    New Member
    Jul 28, 2008
    I have a friend many states away from me who has purchased an older Dan Wesson .357 that did not come with the barrel tool and gap gauge. He did not even know about the tools and complained that the blow by when shooting the gun is very noticable and in an email to him I explained that the barrel threads into the frame and a gap gauge is used to set the space. My .357 Wesson is packed away where I cannot get to it so I cannot measure my gauge to tell him the proper gap. Question: Using a feeler gauge what is the correct gap on the .357 Wesson and is there a source for the 2 piece barrel tool kit? Thanks...

    Peter M. Eick

    Mar 9, 2008
    0.003 to .005 I believe is the spec, but basically I do mine by eye and keep it pretty tight.

    You can get tools from DW. They are on the web. Ask for Genny if I remember right in parts.


    Mar 4, 2008
    IMO, you should be able to use a standard leaf type feeler gauge available at your local autoparts store or sears to set the B/C gap.


    New Member
    Jun 10, 2008
    S. TEXAS
    Barrel/ Cylinder gap for the Dan Wesson .357 Magnum is .006"
    same gap for thier .41 Mag. and .44Mag.
    B/C gap for thier .357 Maximum is .002"

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