House, Dems with some defecting or uneducated R's, passed funding bill containing gun control. Contact your senators ASAP.
Gun Control Was Introduced and Passed Yesterday
Yesterday under the cover of darkness, Congressional Democrats released a 2,741 page government funding bill at 1:30 AM.
GOA rushed to analyze the bill, found the gun control buried on pages 2207-2213, and alerted our grassroots activists to take action.
Despite our best efforts, the gun control passed 260-171 with the support of 39 Republicans later that same day at 10PM.
Government funding will likely be extended until March 15th, so we have five days maximum to defeat this gun control in the Senate.
Background Checks Made Worse
This year’s government appropriations bill includes two major gun control restrictions.
Sections 1101-1102 of the bill are known as the NICS Denial Notification Act to make the existing background check system even WORSE.
As you well know, the current NICS background check system is broken beyond belief.
Nine out of ten times, when someone is denied a gun purchase by the NICS system, it’s a law-abiding citizen who was wrongly denied their right to purchase a firearm.
Because the vast majority of NICS denials each year are false positives, the government gets less than a few dozen convictions of prohibited persons stupid enough to try to buy a gun at a gun store.
Even so, Congress seems intent on passing the NICS Denial Notification Act which instructs ATF to help local law enforcement launch CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into each NICS denial—including all false-positive denials.
So, if this passes, you better hope the NICS system doesn’t falsely deny you your next gun purchase!
Please, take action to help us prevent this from becoming law!
Local Police to Enforce ATF Gun Control
Additionally, the government spending bill’s Section 1103 also contains funding for ATF to begin deputizing local law enforcement officers to enforce federal gun control laws. ATF can also appoint local government attorneys to help prosecute the enforcement of this gun control as well.
This runs in direct contradiction to the Second Amendment Sanctuary laws that GOA has been pushing around the country at the state and local level.
States like Missouri and Idaho have passed the STRONGEST Second Amendment Protection laws which prohibit funding for gun control and/or include criminal or civil penalties for government agents and/or agencies that enforce unconstitutional gun control. More than a dozen other states have similar statutes.
And yet, Congress is facilitating the enforcement of federal gun laws with local ATF deputies!
Take action and tell Congress to STRIP this anti-Second Amendment section from the appropriations bill.
Gun Control Was Introduced and Passed Yesterday
Yesterday under the cover of darkness, Congressional Democrats released a 2,741 page government funding bill at 1:30 AM.
GOA rushed to analyze the bill, found the gun control buried on pages 2207-2213, and alerted our grassroots activists to take action.
Despite our best efforts, the gun control passed 260-171 with the support of 39 Republicans later that same day at 10PM.
Government funding will likely be extended until March 15th, so we have five days maximum to defeat this gun control in the Senate.
Background Checks Made Worse
This year’s government appropriations bill includes two major gun control restrictions.
Sections 1101-1102 of the bill are known as the NICS Denial Notification Act to make the existing background check system even WORSE.
As you well know, the current NICS background check system is broken beyond belief.
Nine out of ten times, when someone is denied a gun purchase by the NICS system, it’s a law-abiding citizen who was wrongly denied their right to purchase a firearm.
Because the vast majority of NICS denials each year are false positives, the government gets less than a few dozen convictions of prohibited persons stupid enough to try to buy a gun at a gun store.
Even so, Congress seems intent on passing the NICS Denial Notification Act which instructs ATF to help local law enforcement launch CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into each NICS denial—including all false-positive denials.
So, if this passes, you better hope the NICS system doesn’t falsely deny you your next gun purchase!
Please, take action to help us prevent this from becoming law!
Local Police to Enforce ATF Gun Control
Additionally, the government spending bill’s Section 1103 also contains funding for ATF to begin deputizing local law enforcement officers to enforce federal gun control laws. ATF can also appoint local government attorneys to help prosecute the enforcement of this gun control as well.
This runs in direct contradiction to the Second Amendment Sanctuary laws that GOA has been pushing around the country at the state and local level.
States like Missouri and Idaho have passed the STRONGEST Second Amendment Protection laws which prohibit funding for gun control and/or include criminal or civil penalties for government agents and/or agencies that enforce unconstitutional gun control. More than a dozen other states have similar statutes.
And yet, Congress is facilitating the enforcement of federal gun laws with local ATF deputies!
Take action and tell Congress to STRIP this anti-Second Amendment section from the appropriations bill.