DFW Shoot Date

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  • Which day works best for you (can vote for both)?

    • Saturday, Sept. 20?

      Votes: 4 44.4%
    • Sunday, Sept. 21?

      Votes: 6 66.7%

    • Total voters


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    Jul 20, 2008
    Okay, to smooth things out some, what date works best for folks. At the moment APG has no standing reservations on the tactical range, so if we got enough folks and a hand count early enough we could finalize and reserve the tactical range for the whole day.

    Vote in attached poll.

    This also serves as a hand count. So if you have more then one coming respond to the thread with +1 or whatever to your preferred days.

    The basic cost is $160 to reserve the range. We get more then 10 shooters and the cost per a person is less then the regular charge. Plus we can also wander to the 300 yard range if we like as well, but won't have it to ourselves.



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    Jul 29, 2008
    ok there will be 2 adults there if Sat wins..

    Sunday we have a cheer competition and wont have specifics on it until close to that day.

    What time are we talking about meeting out there? What hours would we have the range for?

    If we were to come would there be any problems with us bringing our 5 yo? She has been to indoor range several times and behaved well.


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    Jul 20, 2008
    Not sure about time to meet or anything as of yet. As for time we would have the range, we basically get it if reserved for the whole day.

    As for the range having age limits, I'd look at their website about the age thing. My understanding is that if we reserved the tactical range, we would be self policing and acting as our own ROs. Just our group out there and no one else supposedly. I got no problem with kids being there as long as they are controlled by their parents and they keep an eye on them. Not sure how other folks feel about it. This is an open style range though, no real bays per say and there are two other active ranges in there as well so there is a lot of freedom of movement that could maybe be tempting to them.



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    Jul 29, 2008
    I already called and spoke to the Range and they have no age requirements and children under 12 are free. Only requirement is adult supervision.

    Still thinking on it.

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    Akay, I think we need to post this where the most people will see it. How many to we need to make it worth while? $160 for the group rate would equal 10 bucks if 16 show up.

    What other goodies will be going on? Barbeque? STI or Talon showing up etc. Personally, I would like to see at least members show up. More would be better. Maybe sending out a mass email would help raise awareness. We should also think about a start/end time. I realize it will be kind of an open house...come when you want type of deal.

    I just think it needs to be firmed up some. It is two weeks away.



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    Jul 20, 2008
    Its in the events section of the forums, where else do you suggest we post it up? The idea is for a informal get together so the DFW members can meet, shoot, and swap gun stories. This isn't being sponsored or hosted by anyone, just a simple get together. Maybe have it turn into a semi-irregular thing at various locations around town.

    You want anything more then that you better get rolling on planning it out. Never said is was going to be anything more. As is I'm not even going to be able to attend as the work schedule is not going to coorperate.

    If nothing else its simply going to turn into a range meet up at someplace were folks won't be herded into little stalls and not able to talk or socialize in between pulling the trigger.

    Since you obviously want more out of it, I'll bow out to you and let you run with it.


    Akay, I think we need to post this where the most people will see it. How many to we need to make it worth while? $160 for the group rate would equal 10 bucks if 16 show up.

    What other goodies will be going on? Barbeque? STI or Talon showing up etc. Personally, I would like to see at least members show up. More would be better. Maybe sending out a mass email would help raise awareness. We should also think about a start/end time. I realize it will be kind of an open house...come when you want type of deal.

    I just think it needs to be firmed up some. It is two weeks away.



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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    I already called and spoke to the Range and they have no age requirements and children under 12 are free. Only requirement is adult supervision.

    Still thinking on it.

    If you need to bring your 5 yo, I can bring my Ruger 10/22. It's a ton of fun, I have lots of ammo, and it doesn't kick. That is assuming you don't mind him/her shooting.


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    Jul 29, 2008
    If you need to bring your 5 yo, I can bring my Ruger 10/22. It's a ton of fun, I have lots of ammo, and it doesn't kick. That is assuming you don't mind him/her shooting.

    Thank you that is a great offer!

    She has her own rifle a pink cricket and has been shooting for about a month now. She loves it.


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    Jun 29, 2008
    Seems like it died about post number 5 and 6. I haven't heard anything about it since then, other than you and I talking


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    Jul 20, 2008
    The range is open that day if folks still want to get together for something informal. I was getting swamped with work, and thanks to Ike its only getting busier.

    Last I talked to the folks at ADP, unless we were going to have more then 10 shooters, it was just cheaper to go as individuals.

    If someone wants to try and put something together for later this year, I'd be more than willing to help out. I know I can probably pull in about 5 to 10 folks i work with once things slow down abit.

    And Kingofwylietx, I still owe you a range day with my ARs and such. This weekend obviously is bad for me, but maybe one of the following two?

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