Didnt know where to post this..so here goes

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    Jan 14, 2013
    Minot, North Dakota
    Hello to you folks down there in Texas. I've been meaning to plan a trip down south from ND. I've got a couple people interested in the drive with me. We're planning a trip down to Cancun, but by driving, one of them thats coming with has driven the route several times. Only problem i'll be getting my UT and ND CCW permits this upcoming month and would at least like to have the comfort of my CCW with me until the border. Whenever this road trip may happen, I was planning to cross into Mexico somewhere between Hidalgo and Brownsville. We were thinking of crossing at Nuevo Progreso, so overnighting a day or two in Weslaco or Pharr. I was wondering if anyone knew of ..say a bank or FSB or something of that nature in that area that you know of that I could open a short-term Safety Deposit Box to lock my ccw weapon in until crossing back across the border, for obvious reasons (no guns into mexico.)

    This ain't anything happening in the immediate future, but I'm just culling for sources, so when the trip does happen, I can know where to start looking for potential places to open a safety deposit box for say no longer than a period of two weeks.
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    TGT Addict
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    Jan 17, 2011
    Republic of Texas
    Both are cities and have the amenities you would expect in a small city. Do you currently use a large national bank? If so I would ask them to see if they have a branch in one of those cities and see what they can do to hook you up.

    You might consider storing your guns at a gun shop, there are a few in the area and some may secure them for a small fee.

    Remember a single .22 LR round of ammunition could get you guys in deep trouble if caught. Make sure the car is clean and check the weapon laws in Mexico before you get there. The US Customs might not give you accurate advice if you ask them. (Remember the US Marine they got for a antique shotgun??)

    Right now that trip is pretty ballsey. You guys be careful, crime is stupid bad on the other side. Used to go there myself in my high school/college days to party etc., not any more. Plane tickets are cheap........


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    Mar 4, 2009
    If you decide to make the trip you may wish to check out a storage unit. I have used them in the past. Large area to store a small package but I have never had any issue and the price is usually not excessive.


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    Jan 14, 2013
    Minot, North Dakota
    One of the people going with has driven down there many years... They have a place in Cancun. I'm thinking in December.. They stay down there half of the year (usually during winter).. They are friends of my parents. he has to come back up this coming december/following January... for something, but he's offering to ride back down with me..since he knows im interested in driving down there. and then he wouldn't have to fly back...I've also talked to various people on mexico travel forums that i belong to and have gotten good tips and ideas.. I have 5 independent people telling me of their yearly journeys they make.... amazing scenery.. looked at lots of pictures of their travel logs They've driven the same route every year since like the 70's and never had a problem. They just recently drove down there in October without a hitch from Minnesota. I am very well aware of stuff in mexico, I;ve been down there twice, once for almost two months. It's all in how you conduct yourself. You go looking for trouble, it comes looking for you.. mind your own business.... keep to yourself and be polite and respectful at all times.. ..and just watch your surroundings.. It aint like im riding off into the wild-west without being prior forwarned.... sure, some may say its unsafe, but its all in how you act... don't flash things around... be courteous.... dont be arrogant and act like you run the place and be the stupid tourist.... in talking with the friends of my parents.. they've told me actually more people were amazed and interested that they drove so far.. people were generally very warm and welcoming to them.. They own a place on Isla Mujeres, Mexico off the coast of cancun. Been there twice
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