Do i need FFL-03 ?

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  • rjrules1909

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    Nov 26, 2021
    A few years back in California, I got ffl-03 just to get the ammo shipped at my door instead of buying ammo through ffl transfer. . Now got a renewal letter for my license.

    What are the advantages I can have with texas laws through ffl-03 vs not having one?

    Basically, I am asking is what you are guys using ffl-03 for and if it makes sense for me to keep renewing my ffl-03 ?


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    Aug 27, 2009
    An 03 FFL is for collectors allow them to "acquire curios or relics in interstate commerce.” Per 27 CFR 278.11, it applies to firearms which "have been manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date." It has nothing to do with ammo.

    I know the wacky laws of California require an 03 FFL and a Certificate of Eligibility to have ammo shipped to your home, but this is Texas. No FFL or COE needed!

    Welcome to Freedom! You'll quickly get to like it!

    As for the advantages of having an 03 FFL in Texas, it allows you to have eligible firearms purchased out of state to be mailed to your home. That's about it. I renew mine every three years as it's only ten bucks a year, but honestly I haven't used it to purchase a C&R firearm in years!


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    May 22, 2010
    An 03 FFL is for collectors allow them to "acquire curios or relics in interstate commerce.” Per 27 CFR 278.11, it applies to firearms which "have been manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date." It has nothing to do with ammo.

    I know the wacky laws of California require an 03 FFL and a Certificate of Eligibility to have ammo shipped to your home, but this is Texas. No FFL or COE needed!

    Welcome to Freedom! You'll quickly get to like it!


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    Nov 26, 2021
    An 03 FFL is for collectors allow them to "acquire curios or relics in interstate commerce.” Per 27 CFR 278.11, it applies to firearms which "have been manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date." It has nothing to do with ammo.

    I know the wacky laws of California require an 03 FFL and a Certificate of Eligibility to have ammo shipped to your home, but this is Texas. No FFL or COE needed!

    Welcome to Freedom! You'll quickly get to like it!

    As for the advantages of having an 03 FFL in Texas, it allows you to have eligible firearms purchased out of state to be mailed to your home. That's about it. I renew mine every three years as it's only ten bucks a year, but honestly I haven't used it to purchase a C&R firearm in years!

    Thank You sir for the information. i will renew mine then

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