Electric Percolator?

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  • skfullgun

    Dances With Snakes
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    Oct 14, 2017
    In the woods...
    Does anybody use one? I've been using a five cup drip coffee maker (Mr. Coffee) for a few years because I'm the only one that drinks coffee. But over the holidays with the whole crew here, that obviously wasn't going to cut it. So, I got an old stove top percolator out of the cabinet and brewed up a pot of coffee with it. Everybody commented that it sure was better than the drip coffee maker. I agree.

    But the stovetop had to be monitored and took FOREVER.

    I thought about buying a new electric perk, but they.start at about $50 and have very mixed reviews.

    I've thought about yard sales and resale stores, but I don't want somebody else's junk, either.

    I've had a Bunn in the past, but really want to try the electric percolator route.

    Any thoughts or recommendations for percolators?

    In college there was a ban on cooking in the dorms. We used a "poly-perk" to heat up soups, stews, and cook all kinds of things. That was pre-microwave!


    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    My mother in law actually uses one she's had literally since the 1970's. Damn thing looks its age. Its yellow (I dunno if it started out yellow, but between years of heavy smoking indoors by my father in law and mother in law, plus just being over 40 years old, its yellow)

    I couldn't tell you the maker of the thing. She swears by it. We used to use the drip maker, but for a long time I was the only one drinking the coffee brewed daily. We wasted too much. Switched to the Kureig years back, and when I need more than one cup at a time, I throw the camp pot on the stove like you did.


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    First coffee I remember drinking was my grandmother's. made from one of those stove top three piece drip coffee makers. All I ever remember her making coffee with ever.

    My first coffee maker was a small 4-6 cup Mr. Coffee maker. Had it for many years and many moves.

    Many years ago, I would buy the cheapest and most basic coffee maker at WalMart. I got over 13 years out of my previous one, and going on three years with the current one.

    Several people have said I need to upgrade to something better and higher quality to get the true and honest flavor from my coffee. In my mind, that translates to fancier and more expensive, which I really don't see a need. For the most part, I'm the only one in our house that drinks coffee, and only occasionally have company that drinks coffee. I like the coffee I make, so I see no reason to spend more money for a fancy coffee maker, when this $12 coffee maker from WalMart performs just fine for me.

    I have found a few coffee blends that I really like, and that taste quite good just drinking black. So me and my cheap little coffee maker will be just fine.


    Dances With Snakes
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    Oct 14, 2017
    In the woods...
    Dang it sk, your query has inspired me to drag an old aluminum- bodied 42 cup urn out of the motorcycle shed to see what I've been missing sine I quit riding with the coffee drinkers. I've got 'er set to make 12 cups when I plug it in mañana.

    I plugged one of those urns in every morning at 6:00 am for over a decade as a high school principal!

    That thing did NOT make the best coffee but it kept the faculty happy!

    I think it was a sixty cup!!! And it took about 45 minutes to "make"!


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    I plugged one of those urns in every morning at 6:00 am for over a decade as a high school principal!

    That thing did NOT make the best coffee but it kept the faculty happy!

    I think it was a sixty cup!!!
    I worked in many a shop that had those big commercial coffee makers in the break room. Not the best coffee in the world, but it was coffee flavored, and had caffeine!


    Let's Go Brandon! FKH
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    May 15, 2013
    I have my own blend I like (and many others like it too); no, you can't have the recipe.

    I was going to buy a Coffeematic percolator a few years ago, but I found a new drip machine to replace the identical one that stopped working. It recently died, so I'm down to a Keurig. A Coffeematic may be in my near future.


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    I have my own blend I like (and many others like it too); no, you can't have the recipe.

    I was going to buy a Coffeematic percolator a few years ago, but I found a new drip machine to replace the identical one that stopped working. It recently died, so I'm down to a Keurig. A Coffeematic may be in my near future.
    A couple of blends I have found that are really good, are some of the cheapest, from Dollar General, and Kroger's. DG Donut Shop blend, and Kroger's brand, Breakfast Blend. After drinking both going on almost a year now, I won't even buy the expensive brands anymore.


    Let's Go Brandon! FKH
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    May 15, 2013
    A couple of blends I have found that are really good, are some of the cheapest, from Dollar General, and Kroger's. DG Donut Shop blend, and Kroger's brand, Breakfast Blend. After drinking both going on almost a year now, I won't even buy the expensive brands anymore.
    I rarely go to Kroger, never to Dollar General. My blend is 4 HEB brands that aren't all available now. :(

    Sam Colt

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    Feb 22, 2012
    Cowboy coffee kicks ass on any pour over, including percolators. 1/4 cup of course grind per quart of warm water. Keep the grounds at a rolling boil in the pot for 3-5 minutes, let it sit off the heat for a couple more, a quick hit of cold water to settle the grounds, and perfect low-acid brew.



    TGT Addict
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    Jun 28, 2020
    LaVernia TX
    This HEB coffee is DELICIOUS no matter what kind of coffee maker you have.


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