Everyone wants to say F*ck cancer

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  • Eastexasrick

    Isn't it pretty to think so.
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    Jul 2, 2022
    Cass County TX.
    Olive oil is cold pressed dear..and is ready to basically consume after being put in a strainer

    Industrial seed oil like "Canola " really comes from a relative to the mustard plant called a "rapeseed " and the oil is steam pressed from the plant, then it goes through a nasty process called hydrogenation which alters the chemistry of the double bond molecule to make it more stable. Then it is deodorized because it smells so bad otherwise.

    Olive oil, coconut, avocado, butter , tallow are ready to consume
    They need none of these processes.

    The difference between canola oil and rapeseed oil simply comes down to its name. They are both technically the same product; both come from the bright-yellow rapeseed plant, which belongs to the brassica genius, cabbage, mustard, broccoli, bok cohi, ect.

    Depending on the processing, it is used in cooking, chemical and automobile industries The only difference between the usages comes down to the level of erucic acid, which is naturally found in rapeseed plants, and is very unhealthy if consumed.

    Canola oil is made from genetically modified rapeseeds through crossbreeding. It was created in the 1970s in Canada as a way to reduce the amount of erucic acid found in rapeseed plants.


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    Mar 28, 2013
    The Trans-Sabine
    Wrong. Very very wrong.

    eating dietary fats doesn't make you fat.

    Sugar and processed food makes you fat. Cheetos, cokes and snickers bars is what makes you fat

    I eat butter and cook with tallow and while I could stand to drop 5 lbs..I am not fat or considered obese.

    View attachment 467328


    (Elmers Foods) “CHEE WEE’S”, the original cheese curls, have no sugar and little fat.

    Plus they TASTE better.

    Your fingers will still get orange, but they won’t be greasy.

    see: https://www.elmerscheewees.com/

    or call (504) 949-2716

    p.s. Don’t worry, you WILL eat the entire case !




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    Aug 9, 2013
    south of killeen
    I never thought of using honey and butter. I eat a lot of eggs and will have to give that a try. I raise my own chickens and ducks and have a nearly limitless supply of eggs from both.
    I go through at least 1 pound jar of honey about every week. I cook eggs, meat and vegies with butter and honey. Especially peas and carrots.
    On meat and eggs, use less seasonings. The sweet brings out the flavor just like sugar does for cinnamon. Half tablespoon of butter two of honey with 3 eggs scrambled with a little cajun seasoning is really good. Helps keep the chicken eggs moist. Watch with duck eggs, use half the honey, they are more moist anyway but still good.
    And duck eggs in cornbread is the shit. Warm with real butter and a little honey. That is desert stuff.

    Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk


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    Apr 15, 2013
    Cottonseed oil was used from the late 1800s as an industrial lubricant in factories and locomotives..they had so damn much of it as a byproduct of growing cotton they couldn't sell it all.
    Around 1910-1911 a scientist for Proctor and Gamble came up with the process of hydrogenation which made the oily, greasy oil that would turn rancid quickly, into a clean looking white paste.
    They called it..Crisco
    Then they went to all of the publishers of the cookbooks at the time and paid them to remove butter as an ingredient in they recipes and add Crisco instead.

    And boom..just like that people went from using healthy real food to industrial lubricant in their food.

    These big companies could give a damn about your health
    They just want to make money and if you get sick..well then the medical professionals will sell you a pill ..
    It's a win-win for them and a life of sickness for us


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    Jul 31, 2011
    hill co.
    Guess we better start putting up signs.



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    Apr 15, 2013
    This semi famous film maker died of cancer recently

    He got famous doing documentaries on the effects of eating fast food.

    He did a couple films where he lived on McDonald's food only.

    During one of the films..his doctors watching his blood work weekly were shocked at how bad his health got in a short time

    Or maybe it was the vaccine he was so happy to get that he bragged about it and told others to go get it


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    May 11, 2015
    I go through at least 1 pound jar of honey about every week. I cook eggs, meat and vegies with butter and honey. Especially peas and carrots.
    On meat and eggs, use less seasonings. The sweet brings out the flavor just like sugar does for cinnamon. Half tablespoon of butter two of honey with 3 eggs scrambled with a little cajun seasoning is really good. Helps keep the chicken eggs moist. Watch with duck eggs, use half the honey, they are more moist anyway but still good.
    And duck eggs in cornbread is the shit. Warm with real butter and a little honey. That is desert stuff.

    Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
    I do like my duck eggs. My wife takes eggs to her horse friends, but she knows better than to touch my duck eggs!


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    Jul 31, 2011
    hill co.
    This semi famous film maker died of cancer recently

    He got famous doing documentaries on the effects of eating fast food.

    He did a couple films where he lived on McDonald's food only.

    During one of the films..his doctors watching his blood work weekly were shocked at how bad his health got in a short time

    View attachment 467367View attachment 467368
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    Watched a documentary about him. Besides everyone knowing McDonalds is u healthy, he went out of his way to be as ridiculously over the top as he could for Supersize Me, to the point of continuing to eat after he already felt sick from eating too much.

    There was also some bulkshit going on with the doctors, but I don’t remember the specifics.

    IIRC, he had a history of alcoholism as well, which was likely the cause of some of the health issues doctors were finding and were blamed on his short term binge eating.

    McDonald’s is garbage, but Supersize Me was more about selling the show than any kind of honest results.


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    Apr 15, 2013
    I disagree.

    Genetics can load the gun ..so to speak, but your diet and lifestyle is what pulls the trigger

    My dad got type 2 diabetes in his late 40s.
    15 years ago I had 2 doctors tell me that I would end up with diabetes more than likely because of my dad.

    I have zero issues with blood sugar and am metabolicly healthy.

    Diabetes don't run in your family as much as bad diet and habits do.
    Smoking and other factors can have a big impact on family cancer rates.
    Is Smoking a genetic trait?
    How about alcohol consumption ? Is that genetic ?


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    Feb 27, 2010
    north richland hills, texas
    I was at the grocery store yesterday and decided to buy some Ritz crackers. I happened to look at the contents and saw the list of stuff that was in the crackers and at the bottom of the list was "Includes Bio-Engineered ingredients." I looked at several other brands and they ALL had Bio-Engineered ingredients.


    Isn't it pretty to think so.
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    Jul 2, 2022
    Cass County TX.
    Cottonseed oil was used from the late 1800s as an industrial lubricant in factories and locomotives..they had so damn much of it as a byproduct of growing cotton they couldn't sell it all.
    A little more on Crisco.

    In October 2022, Crisco changed their formula after an out cry against hydrogenated oils. It now consists of a blend of soybean oil and fully hydrogenated palm oil. According to the product information label, one 12-g serving of Crisco contains 3.5 g of saturated fat, 0 g of trans fat ( this is bullshit), 6 g of polyunsaturated fat, and 2.5 g of monounsaturated fat. This reformulated Crisco is claimed to have the same cooking properties and flavor as the original.
    According to the FDA, "Food manufacturers are allowed to list amounts of trans fat with less than 0.5 gram (1/2 g) per serving as 0 (zero) on the Nutrition Facts panel.

    Nutritionists argue that while the formula has been changed to remove the trans fatty acids, the fully hydrogenated oils used to replace them may not be good for health. Crisco and similar low-trans fat products are formed by the interesterification of a mixture of fully hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils. The composition of the resultant Triglycerides is random, and contains combinations of fatty acids not commonly found in nature. This is bad stuff
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