Flash light mount...

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  • Sasquatch

    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    I got my AR out for some exercise and to make sure the RDS was still zero'd - it hasn't been shot since before we moved to Texas. Glad I did, because the elevation was a bit off - and I hadn't shot it since mounting a light to the gun.

    3 shots into the first magazine, the damn flash light mount started to go. The rail clamp was still holding tight BUT the clamp body itself started to go, and the light just wobbled in the body. It looks like the tension screw holes oval'd out and lost tension.



    This was the only mount I could find at the time I got it last year. I need recommendations for a better mount. The light I'm running is a standard 1 inch tube for the body. I might eventually just have to switch over to a TLR-1HL or something (which isn't a bad idea) but I want to hold off on that because I'm seriously contemplating ditching the current RDS and going to an LVPO or prism sight for this gun, and a top-mounted light might interfere with those sights. I also like having the light offset to the left side of the rail, I've taken to resting my thumb on my forward sling mount (Magpul part) which was mounted right behind the light - gave a good, consistent grip and easy activation of the light.

    I just need a light mount that isn't going to disassemble itself under recoil. I would've understood had I been shooting my shotgun, but its not like the AR has that much dang recoil that this should've happened.


    TGT Addict
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    Nov 16, 2008
    The Wooldlands
    I got my AR out for some exercise and to make sure the RDS was still zero'd - it hasn't been shot since before we moved to Texas. Glad I did, because the elevation was a bit off - and I hadn't shot it since mounting a light to the gun.

    3 shots into the first magazine, the damn flash light mount started to go. The rail clamp was still holding tight BUT the clamp body itself started to go, and the light just wobbled in the body. It looks like the tension screw holes oval'd out and lost tension.



    This was the only mount I could find at the time I got it last year. I need recommendations for a better mount. The light I'm running is a standard 1 inch tube for the body. I might eventually just have to switch over to a TLR-1HL or something (which isn't a bad idea) but I want to hold off on that because I'm seriously contemplating ditching the current RDS and going to an LVPO or prism sight for this gun, and a top-mounted light might interfere with those sights. I also like having the light offset to the left side of the rail, I've taken to resting my thumb on my forward sling mount (Magpul part) which was mounted right behind the light - gave a good, consistent grip and easy activation of the light.

    I just need a light mount that isn't going to disassemble itself under recoil. I would've understood had I been shooting my shotgun, but its not like the AR has that much dang recoil that this should've happened.
    I highly recommend GG&G. My light mount is rock solid from them.


    TGT Addict
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    Apr 13, 2018
    Or you could not have that shit on your gun. ;) Kidding. I like flesh light mounts on my guns too.


    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    I ordered a new mount, I looked at the ones suggested here and none quite put the light into a position that I liked. The GG&G is a solidly reviewed mount, but I would have to add an additional offset rail piece to mount it in the proper position. I did happen upon a gear geek article that reviewed mounts, and I wound up going with the 2nd place option. The 1st place was the Daniel Defense mount - but at $60 with tax & shipping, I'm almost half way to a Streamlight TLR-1HL, which could be my ultimate end. I used to run an OG TLR-1 on another carbine, in the 12 o'clock position. It worked great in that position. I do want to hold off on pulling the trigger on that light, and in that position until I decide on a new optic, which the 12 o'clock mounted light may or may not interfere with. I like the light mounted off at the 10 o'clock position, so I'm going to give this mount a try. It looks a lot more solid - 4 mounting screws vs 2. I almost went with the Magpul mount - but the magpul piece is all plastic, which left me less than warm & fuzzy.

    I also ordered additional CR123 batteries, because I noticed I was getting low on stock. I need to get my wifey a light like my EDC light which uses a rechargable battery to replace the SureFire G2 she's using now. The light I was keeping on the AR also runs on the CR123s.


    Novice Shooter
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    Nov 4, 2015
    If a light or FSB distracts you if using an optic, well... Its like guys who say they can't shoot AR's well because of the spring noise. It's just an excuse.

    Plus if using a dot, should it die, an absolute co-witness makes a great ghost ring.


    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    If a light or FSB distracts you if using an optic, well... Its like guys who say they can't shoot AR's well because of the spring noise. It's just an excuse.

    Plus if using a dot, should it die, an absolute co-witness makes a great ghost ring.

    If I'm going the LVPO route, I want to see how the sight sits before putting anything in front of it. I stopped using fixed sight/gas blocks years ago, preferring to go with light weight free floated rails and low profile gas blocks.
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