Glock 23 Barrel FUBAR'D (PICS)

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  • Code3GT

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    Jun 12, 2008
    So to start, this is NOT my gun, but had to snap some pics for y'all to see this...sorry the quality sucks, cell pics. And yes, I realize i'm bleeding thanks to the mainspring on my 1911

    STORY: I'm at the range today breaking in my 1911 and was next to a couple of "seasoned" guys who admittedly were inexperienced and hadn't shot in ~35yrs. So they asked me a few questions here and there, we reviewed range safety 101, and they admired my 1911 :) After a while one gentleman with a Glock 23 (.40 s&w) was asking me if I knew why his gun wouldnt chamber JHP at all. I told him to check his feed ramp/magazine/ammo/breach/etc. He rendered the deer in the headlights look as he slowly handed me his weapon. I stripped his weapon and had to manipulate the barrel out of the slide (didnt just fall out) I was baffled as to the cause, but could tell that well, something wasnt quite right :) Here's what I saw...Glock docs have at it!





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    May 29, 2008
    Wow, and coming from a Glock too. Dude had to seriuosly do something wrong to that Glock. Maybe used the barrel as a tack driver or somthing.


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    Jun 12, 2008
    Yessir!!! I had wide eyes when I opened er' up cuz he was shooting in the stall next to me. He took my advice not to shoot it anymore and get it looked at.


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    Jun 12, 2008
    Wow, and coming from a Glock too. Dude had to seriuosly do something wrong to that Glock. Maybe used the barrel as a tack driver or somthing.

    I asked him what ammo he'd ran through handloads or +p/+p+

    Also the business end of the barrel was fine. Crazy huh???


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    What the heck is that?! It looks like the case snapped in half and got stuck in the breech or something? Though it looks almost like too clean of a break to have just been a case failure? That's weird.


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    Jul 20, 2008
    Couple questions:

    (1) Did he fire the weapon any before you took it apart at the range in front of you?

    (2) What brand of ammo was he shooting? Were they reloads?

    Just from looking at the photos it looks like you can see a slight notch on the right of the brass case where the extractor got a hold of it. I've seen something similar in a G22 with an older model barrel before the upped the chamber support.

    Glock .40's have a tendency to produce guppy brass because of the way the chamber is supported. Most .40's do, but the earlier glocks tend to have the problem more so due to design of the chamber (the infamous un-supported chamber). It lets the brass bulge there when fired. A lot of reloaders I know will avoid the glock brass because of this. Even though it can be fixed, it weakens the brass and leads to more risk of case failure or case head seperation.

    There also have been reports here and there on the net from folks shooting one brand of ammo or another that reported have weak cases from use of softer brass mixtures. In those cases either case head gets torn right off, but typically its more like a large chunk of the rim goes for a ride.

    Anyways, the case I saw the guy was at a GSSF match firing reloads from .40 brass he got at the range after the local PD had been out qualifying. Was firing on the plate rack stage and the gun had an FTF. The range officer shuts him down to look. Looked pretty close to that mage you have there. The empty case got stuck in the chamber and because the case was weakened, it just ripped the whole rim off right where it started to neck down from maximum case diameter.

    I've had close calls like that in 9mm where I was using remanufactured rounds from T's guns and ammo. Got some 124 gr. FMJ to try in my G17. The gun is bone stock except for the connector and sights. About one in every hundred wasn't sized right and I either would up with FTE and a stuck case with part of the rim nipped off or a FTF with a slightly bulged round that jammed about 90% into the chamber. After the FTF , I had to take the gun home to clear it. At that point I took out the barrel and dry fitted the ammo round buy round into it, then a G34 and G26 barrel. Took the bum rounds and measured them versus some Ranger ammo I had and they were bulged a little.



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    Jul 20, 2008
    Just another thought, the guy or previous owner of the gun may have been firing lead ammo or cheaped plated ammo through the gun before. Glock factory barrels get crapped up with that really fast (Glock says no-no to its use). It will drive the pressure up in the gun. IF he had been doing that, and then fired JHP, which tend to be loaded a little hotter. He could have spiked the pressure and had the case fail from that. I would however expected more of bang and another Glock Grenade story.



    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    Well.............. I was going to come in and dazzle y'all with my superior knowlege of Glock but................................... What Malladus said in the above two posts.


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    Jun 12, 2008
    Couple questions:

    (1) Did he fire the weapon any before you took it apart at the range in front of you?

    (2) What brand of ammo was he shooting? Were they reloads?


    1) yes, i watched him empty one mag for sure

    2) almost positive it was Federal stuff, no reloads


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    Jul 20, 2008

    Check out annotion #2. Its from one of the many Glock kaboom pages on the net. They do talk about certain case lots of ammo including Federal. Also if you look at the failure photo you can see where a case failed, no imagine that a little more.

    From the sounds of things though the shooter the OP described didn't have a kaboom type failure. They typically are alot more noticeable when they happen - the gun sounds differient when it fires and the shooter usually reacts in some way.



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    Mar 4, 2008
    Looks like someone was having too much fun with a dremel.It needs another barrel.None of mine look anything like that.


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    Jul 20, 2008
    Its about as common in Glocks as most other guns, just tends to get more attention from the internet glock haters and gun shop commandos, that folks think it is more common then it really is. My best friend is the armor for his trooper post in Alabama, they issue all three sizes of Glocks in 40 cal. Have been using the same guns (they are just starting to replace some of the first issue ones) for more then 5 years. His service 22 probably has over 50K rounds through it in that time and the average for the other guns is about 10K. So with a sample population of 250 weapons with that much shooting, they have never had a gun blow.

    Federal had some issues with some of the powder loads in some of their 40 cal stuff (link I posted has some of the info on it as well). The design of the older 40 cal Glock chambers didn't help the issue, but the same thing happened with 40s from other manufacturers as well.

    The internet is full of folks who like to perpetuate the Glock Grenade or Kaboom myth. Depending on what side of the debate you are on some folks like to say that the Glocks in 40 cal (and the other non 9mm chamberings) have a tendency to go bang more then others. But when you look at them its not so much the gun blowing up, but case failures.

    Glock has redesigned the chamber on the 40s and such atleast two times to increase the chamber support to that similar in other pistols like S&W, H&K, Springfield, etc.

    Without having the lot number of the ammo is hard to say if the ammo was a major factor in problem. Way to get a good first on the barrel type would be was the gun a second or third gen frame and was it a 2 pin or 3 pin frame?



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    Jun 17, 2008
    Its about as common in Glocks as most other guns, just tends to get more attention from the internet glock haters and gun shop commandos, that folks think it is more common then it really is. My best friend is the armor for his trooper post in Alabama, they issue all three sizes of Glocks in 40 cal. Have been using the same guns (they are just starting to replace some of the first issue ones) for more then 5 years. His service 22 probably has over 50K rounds through it in that time and the average for the other guns is about 10K. So with a sample population of 250 weapons with that much shooting, they have never had a gun blow.

    Federal had some issues with some of the powder loads in some of their 40 cal stuff (link I posted has some of the info on it as well). The design of the older 40 cal Glock chambers didn't help the issue, but the same thing happened with 40s from other manufacturers as well.

    The internet is full of folks who like to perpetuate the Glock Grenade or Kaboom myth. Depending on what side of the debate you are on some folks like to say that the Glocks in 40 cal (and the other non 9mm chamberings) have a tendency to go bang more then others. But when you look at them its not so much the gun blowing up, but case failures.

    Glock has redesigned the chamber on the 40s and such atleast two times to increase the chamber support to that similar in other pistols like S&W, H&K, Springfield, etc.

    Without having the lot number of the ammo is hard to say if the ammo was a major factor in problem. Way to get a good first on the barrel type would be was the gun a second or third gen frame and was it a 2 pin or 3 pin frame?


    All I need to know is my Glock 27 is safe :D

    It's probaly a little of both or Glock wouldn't have touched a thing. Personaly I think ammo manufactures has slacked off a lot in recent years. I've heard coutless stories about issues envolving ammo failures...oddly enough their mostly about American manufactures?
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