Howdy from North Texas

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    New Member
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    Mar 18, 2022
    Plano Texas
    Looks like an interesting forum with a Texas twist to it.
    Been shooting my whole life. My dad was a Detective and taught me the basics at about age 8.
    Shot mostly .22 rifles and shotguns in my teens.
    Got away from the shooting sports during my University days and my early '20s.
    Rediscovered my love for shooting in my early '30s and have not ever looked back.
    Got my permit the year it came out and carry every single day.
    I almost exclusively carry 1911 style pistols in .45ACP with a revolver as a back up.
    Enjoyed hunting in my younger days but at 65 not so much anymore but i do enjoy being out in the woods plinking.
    Also enjoy my AR style rifles in 5.56 and .308.
    Just started getting into Black Powder Flintlock rifles about 3 years ago.
    I built my first one styled after a Pennsylvania Long rifle circa 1775 in .54 caliber. Lots of fun.
    Married 30 years to the love of my life and have twin boys turning 28 years old who both enjoy shooting with the old man.
    Thanks for letting me join up. Hoping to learn a few things and maybe make a few friends.


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    Welcome to TGT.



    Rating - 0%
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    Sep 3, 2018
    McKinney, TX
    Looks like an interesting forum with a Texas twist to it.
    Been shooting my whole life. My dad was a Detective and taught me the basics at about age 8.
    Shot mostly .22 rifles and shotguns in my teens.
    Got away from the shooting sports during my University days and my early '20s.
    Rediscovered my love for shooting in my early '30s and have not ever looked back.
    Got my permit the year it came out and carry every single day.
    I almost exclusively carry 1911 style pistols in .45ACP with a revolver as a back up.
    Enjoyed hunting in my younger days but at 65 not so much anymore but i do enjoy being out in the woods plinking.
    Also enjoy my AR style rifles in 5.56 and .308.
    Just started getting into Black Powder Flintlock rifles about 3 years ago.
    I built my first one styled after a Pennsylvania Long rifle circa 1775 in .54 caliber. Lots of fun.
    Married 30 years to the love of my life and have twin boys turning 28 years old who both enjoy shooting with the old man.
    Thanks for letting me join up. Hoping to learn a few things and maybe make a few friends.

    There you are KILTED COWBOY. I was wondering how long it would be till you moseyed on over here. :green:
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