i have a ammo ?

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  • robertl1974

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    Jun 13, 2008
    houston tx
    i would like to know if monach is a good brand i get it from academy for $13 i brought 3 boxes sat and when i was reloading some mags i notice a strong smell they set my smoke alarms off in my house i had to take them to the garage to air out is this normal i was in my bedroom when i was reloading what do you guys think thanks for the help


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    I'm a little slow so let me make sure I understand. While you were loading up some mags with factory loaded ammo you set off your smoke alarms:eek:? Did you fire them? Do you have a true smoke alarm or one of the Carbon detectors? And are you 100% sure that dinner didn't set it off? Sorry, I know that was bad, but I couldn't help it.

    Seriously though I'm curious for a couple more details as I've never heard of anything remotely close to this happening.


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    Jun 13, 2008
    houston tx
    hi guys no shooting yeah they are smoke alarms no i do not cook in the house i am 34 and single burger king and taco bell do my cooking for me lol and when i was reloading the mags my eyes were hurting the only thing i could think of it was the ammo that cause it because it had a strong smell from the boxes ever since i put them in the garage to air out it's been ok i feel fine now

    jim t

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hawley Texas
    I have 20 or so boxes of monarch on my desk right now. they have been there for most of 4 monthes. never had any problem with them. I like the way it shoots and buy it as offten as I can:p


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    Wow, that is odd. I've not shot it much but I've never experienced anything similar. Even reloading in a not so well ventilated area never gave me problems much less the cleaning stuff in the same area (a 10x10 storage shed closed up with an 8000btu window unit running full bore to keep my fatass cool in the heat b/c id rather pay an expensive utility bill monthly instead of a one time cost to insulate it:rolleyes:). That is strange and I would be concerned that something is not right. Hell maybe you could just sell it to JimT and be done with it. Why run the risk if it's a reaction(maybe allergy type) you had to it not shared by others.

    And sorry for the dumb questions, I was pretty sure of your answers, and tried to practice restraint, but I am after all just a weak man.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    My experience with Monarch is that it's a bit smokier and dirtier than most, but it hasn't failed to go boom, and is certainly cheap enough.

    Of all the types I've used I prefer Corbon, Hornady, and Speer. I've had soft loads and cracked casings with Blaser (both brass and aluminum), soft loads with borderline squibs on Wolf.

    I've shot Independence brand in .45 and it ran well. Real similar to WWB in that it's dirty dirty but feels good. S&B has also produced good stuff from my experience, although it's usually kinda dirty (as in metal slurry from casings in the box).

    What I would suggest is calling Monarch and asking them if it is possible for fumes to propagate out of the ammo due to improper storage or excessive heat. Always better safe than sorry.


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    Jun 5, 2008
    Troy Tx
    Some of the monarch have that lacquer coating on it maybe that had somthing to do with it were they brass or steel casing. I think that the green boxes are brass and the blue is steel with the lacquer coating


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Monarch works fine for cheap range ammo. In my experience also it can sometimes be noticeably dirtier than WWB or CCI Blazer. Either way, I've shot plenty of Monarch through various guns, and the stuff seems to work just fine.

    As far as the smoke detector going off, have you checked the battery? At a friend's house we experienced a real odd issue. The battery in the smoke detector was low on juice, and then the detector went started going off. I don't know why but I figured it was some sort of safety mechanism to make sure someone replaces the battery immediately. Anyways, it's worth a check.


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    Apr 28, 2008

    I bet you the smoke alarm going off was the probably caused by a gas release from eating at taco bell and burger king :)


    hi guys no shooting yeah they are smoke alarms no i do not cook in the house i am 34 and single burger king and taco bell do my cooking for me lol and when i was reloading the mags my eyes were hurting the only thing i could think of it was the ammo that cause it because it had a strong smell from the boxes ever since i put them in the garage to air out it's been ok i feel fine now


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    Mar 6, 2008
    Could be a sulfur smell some of the low cost foreign ammo has a strong
    odor when fired but may have been some residue in box. I won't use most
    of the cheaper stuff if I do I never do rapid fire or double taps just to much danger of a squib.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    I was looking at Monarch ammo the other night at Academy Sports, going to pick some up after work and try em out this weekend. The buy behind the counter said there are two types, as mentioned:

    Some of the monarch have that lacquer coating on it maybe that had somthing to do with it were they brass or steel casing. I think that the green boxes are brass and the blue is steel with the lacquer coating

    He said that people had issues with gunk buildup with the lacquer ones..
    The Green box is the ones you want.

    Price wise.... you can buy Blazers at Walmart for a couple dollars cheaper. Just got 40 S&W 50 rounds for $12.95 (brass casing), but again, Academy has a good selection and knowledgeable people.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Some of the monarch have that lacquer coating on it maybe that had somthing to do with it were they brass or steel casing. I think that the green boxes are brass and the blue is steel with the lacquer coating

    As best I can determine, Monarch is Academy's "house" ammunition brand.

    Brass-cased Monarch is made by Prvi Partisan (Look for the "PPU" headstamp) of Serbia.

    Steel-cased Monarch is made by Barnaul of Russia (they supply Brown/Silver/Golden Bear).

    It's certainly cheap, and the only problems I've had with Monarch is their SP .223 ammo doesn't feed in my AR. Otherwise it's decent cheap plinking ammunition.
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