I never ease it. And hardly ever use the slide release. I always try to release the slide the same way everytime to develop muscle memory. I just pull back and let go. As for the slap rack, I don’t even get to the rack part on the second go, just the slap is enough for the slide to go forward and a round to chamber. It may be due to what others have stated as far as the low seated mags in the RIA. Imma try a Wilson combat mag and see if that fixes the issue first. Got a buddy who’s a gunsmith so if modifications are needed then I’ll go that route. It’s a $600 piece of art for me. Not an EDC or duty carry. Firing at the range has had zero issues for approximately 3 or 4 mags including HP. Imma take it again on my days off coming and run at least 100 through it. See what happens then.Just to be clear, you get the FTF when you "went to slide forward," and this is when you have a hold of the slide and are easing the slide forward slowly into battery position right?
When you "slap-rack," and do not get the FTF, this is when you pull the slide back, then let it go for return to battery fully under power of the recoil spring?