Just ordered another idiot box

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    Nov 7, 2015



    Announced like: Dive Dive Dive on a submarine!

    ...and we are.

    Keeps the economy going doncha know?

    (just bought 2 new TV's, (big uns) a new car and a whole buncha other stuff cuz I can't take it with me when (probably sooner rather than later) I shuffle off this mortal coil...

    So, we're spending like there's no tomorrow...right, because there isn't for much longer...

    Would I like fries with that?

    Hell no, I want 'caviar' with that and that's what I'm having.


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    Apr 23, 2013
    I've replaced a couple flat screen in 10 yrs, too expensive to repair. I donate them to a guy who does repairs and gives reduced prices to those in 'need'. Troubleshooting very complicated chips makes repair time costly. He has piles of parts boards to scavenge.


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    Jan 22, 2016
    You don’t just replace a tube?
    Were those the good ole days?

    We'd pull the suspect tubes out of the old B&W Philco and drive down to the Lone Star Ice & Food Store, run 'em on the tester, and go home with replacements for a few dollars that were worth a lot more than dollars today.

    I'll take modern electronics, thanks...


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    Nov 1, 2015
    Were those the good ole days?

    We'd pull the suspect tubes out of the old B&W Philco and drive down to the Lone Star Ice & Food Store, run 'em on the tester, and go home with replacements for a few dollars that were worth a lot more than dollars today.

    I'll take modern electronics, thanks...
    I had my own tube tester for our Dumont tv. Did replace the DLP chip in a Samsung projection tv. Still works good. Most tv work now means replace and not repair. There are no service people. You need to buy service manuals. Not worth the effort.


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    Jan 22, 2016
    I had my own tube tester for our Dumont tv. Did replace the DLP chip in a Samsung projection tv. Still works good. Most tv work now means replace and not repair. There are no service people. You need to buy service manuals. Not worth the effort.
    What TV I watch, I watch on my phone anyway... There's nothing more convenient than the TV, book, social media device, that I hold in my hand IMO.

    Yes, I know that is a minority opinion...


    First to know - Last to care!
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    Jan 31, 2019
    Abilene, TX
    Well, some people thought it was their right to snuff out an innocent life just because it would be an inconvinence for them to take responsibility for their actions, so I'd say yes.
    While I was still in DC, men would threaten (and all too often did) kill women if they gave their names (baby daddies) to the DC welfare office. The women had to do that to get benefits. The welfare office would go after the daddies to collect child support. These thugs were more afraid of the welfare office coming after them for child support than they were of the police coming after them for killing their baby's mommas.

    That was one of the reasons I left - the reality surpassed any dystopian fiction I had ever read or seen.


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    Feb 28, 2021
    Central Pennsylvania



    Announced like: Dive Dive Dive on a submarine!

    ...and we are.

    Keeps the economy going doncha know?

    (just bought 2 new TV's, (big uns) a new car and a whole buncha other stuff cuz I can't take it with me when (probably sooner rather than later) I shuffle off this mortal coil...

    So, we're spending like there's no tomorrow...right, because there isn't for much longer...

    Would I like fries with that?

    Hell no, I want 'caviar' with that and that's what I'm having.
    The way inflation is going?

    If you want "it"? Best be a buying "it"!

    "It" will be double tomorrow!
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