Might be moving to San Antonio

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  • Old Arn

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    May 21, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Hey, everyone,

    I'll be flying out to San Antonio next week for a trial period on a job offer. If I make it, I may be living there for a while, so I've got a ton of questions.

    - What are the requirements to purchase a handgun? Is residency required, and if so, how long until residency takes effect?

    - Like the above question, what are the requirements to sell a handgun? I ask, because I was about to put one up for sale, then got the call that I'm being whisked away to your friggen' huge state! :D

    - Where are some good places to shoot, indoors and/or out. What about membership fees and requirements?

    - My trial period is 2.5 weeks. Are there any must-see gun shops or shows nearby? I'll be working and staying near where 10 and 410 meet, near Methodist Hospital. I'm shopping around for a CCW, so if I can physically handle and compare the models I'm looking for, it would really help.

    I know these questions are all gun related, but I figure all the other attractions will be pointed out by everyone else. Well, I'm really excited about this job opportunity as well as the great things I'm hearing about San Antonio and Austin. Not that I hate my home state, but there's just no work for me here, and I really don't want to move to California unless it's for a dream job.

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    Apr 14, 2008
    Hi, someone will be around shortly to answer the gun question. I wanted to make a quick remark about San Antonio knife laws... they are weird. Do not carry a locking blade knife in city limits. Illegal. If you carry a knife I would read up on the city knife restrictions before taking one in.

    Just my 2 cents.:D


    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    - What are the requirements to purchase a handgun? Is residency required, and if so, how long until residency takes effect?

    - Like the above question, what are the requirements to sell a handgun? I ask, because I was about to put one up for sale, then got the call that I'm being whisked away to your friggen' huge state! :D

    - Where are some good places to shoot, indoors and/or out. What about membership fees and requirements?

    - My trial period is 2.5 weeks. Are there any must-see gun shops or shows nearby? I'll be working and staying near where 10 and 410 meet, near Methodist Hospital. I'm shopping around for a CCW.

    Purchasing a handgun is open game. You just have to legal on a federal level, (ie. no felonies, etc.).

    Selling a handgun is also open game. There are no limitations beyond common sense. You have to be confident that the person is not with ill intent and can legally own the firearm.

    I would try the Bullet Hole. It seems to be a pretty neat place, ask the SA guys or HK_Fiend for a review of them.

    For shows, you can always check out the Saxet Gun Show. You can search around for their website on Google. I believe it's in Universal City (N. SA).

    Old Arn

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    May 21, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Thanks for the quick replies! So, let me get this straight. You don't have to be a resident of Texas to purchase a handgun as long as you pass all Federal requirements, but carry of a lockback pocketknife is illegal in SA? I'll have to read up more on this, but that sounds really weird. It looks like I might have to switch to a small fixed blade, if that's legal. Does a concealed carry permit allow for a lockback? My Florida permit is in the mail right now, and I'll have to look up the reciprocity.


    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Thanks for the quick replies! So, let me get this straight. You don't have to be a resident of Texas to purchase a handgun as long as you pass all Federal requirements, but carry of a lockback pocketknife is illegal in SA? I'll have to read up more on this, but that sounds really weird. It looks like I might have to switch to a small fixed blade, if that's legal. Does a concealed carry permit allow for a lockback? My Florida permit is in the mail right now, and I'll have to look up the reciprocity.

    I'm not sure on knife legislation. Alot of it is really old 1920's era stuff. You could always call the SAPD with a few questions.

    I can't think of a reason why you couldn't buy one here with a Florida ID. They ask for the state when they call in the background check.

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    I thought the ID had to be in-state. IE a Texas Drivers License or so.
    In which case it may be better to wait until you actually set up residence in the Texas Nation.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    If a TX ID is needed, how long does it take to establish residency? All the requirements I can find only deal with residency for college.

    It is my understanding that, in person, you can only purchase a gun here (may just apply to handguns, I'm not sure honestly) after establishing residency. I believe residency is considered at least 90 days.

    Bullet Hole is a pretty neat little range: http://www.bullethole.com/

    They have class III full auto stuff there that you can rent, including Mp5's, Sig 551 and 552, Uzis, and I believe they still have an M3a1 greasegun with a suppressor. ;) They are located on the southwest side of San Antonio. I've rented one of their mp5's before and man, what a blast but the rounds go quick. ;)

    Old Arn

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    May 21, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Judging by all the account names with 1911 in it, I'm assuming you sure love yours. I guess it's also safe to assume that there's a good gunsmith around who could do a nice trigger job on mine?

    That would suck for me if there's a 90 day residency period, but it's what I expected. I'll probably call a couple shops today just to see what they say. The problem is that I've been too lazy to get my VA DL since I moved back from FL, so I won't be able to buy a handgun here before I move. Oh well, no one's fault but my own. In the meantime I could try to conceal one of my full-size guns, but they don't conceal too well on little Asian guys :rolleyes:. Whenever someone on a forum says that they carry a Gov't 1911, I always picture the writer to be a huge Texan. Or a Viking.

    Bullet Hole sounds great. I've always wanted to try out an MP5! stockFD3S, what do you mean you were swept? Would you mind elaborating?


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    If you have an address, you can walk into the local Texas DPS office and get a Texas drivers license. They will take your old (other state) DL though. You will walk out with a temporary non-photo paper DL, and the laminated plastic photo one will come in the mail in a few weeks. There may be residency requirements for in-state college tuition and other things, but not to get a DL.


    Old Arn

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    May 21, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Ah... gotcha. Could it just be that they're a larger or more popular range, therefore more newbies go there? Do the RO's keep an eye out for safety? Well, I called a couple of shops over there. The guy at the first one said he didn't believe there's a residency period as long as I get a TX DL, the guy at the second place said it's 90 days. I guess I'll have to try to find the actual laws stating it.


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    Apr 19, 2008
    Leon Valley, TX
    Texas1911 is correct regarding the sweeping terminology. My experiences might not be indicative of a general session there. I may have just been unlucky. The RO that was on scene didn't even notice. Bullet hole is pretty close to me but I'd rather drive 33 miles to Cedar Ridge Range and have a fun and safe experience. If you ever want to head out to CRR, let me know as I'm always down to head out there.

    Old Arn

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    May 21, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Thanks for the offer, stockFD3S. I might have to take up on that sometime; it's always good to find SAFE shooting buddies. It might be a while though, since I don't know how my workload will be. I've been searching for requirements to purchase a handgun in TX, but still no luck, just CHL related stuff. Does anyone have a link? Thanks.


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    Apr 28, 2008
    Kenefick, TX
    Look in the CHL material, under section 46.06 it describes unlawful transfer of certain weapons. To purchase a handgun in TX you must be a resident of the state or a resident of one of the contiguous states (if not prevented by your home states laws).
    Residency, for the purchase of a firearm, in the state of Texas is established with a picture ID or driver's license issued by TXDPS.
    You can also contact the State Attorney General's office at:

    Main agency switchboard (512) 463-2100
    Public Information & Assistance (800) 252-8011 or (512) 475-4413 (in Austin)
    Consumer Protection Hotline (800) 621-0508
    Open Records Hotline (512) 478-6736 (478-OPEN)
    Press Office (512) 463-2050

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