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    Mar 1, 2009
    Okay I've decided to get a mini14. I don't need to hear all about the AR and all its variants, the mini meets my needs and my budget. The only issue I have is availabilty and cost of hicap mags. Yes I will get a few 20s from the factory (they're now accepting orders again). I'm just wondering tho, what if, and has anyone ever attempted, to create some type of adapter for the mini that will allow it to accept AR mags? Will it be too expensive? Too extensive? Bolt won't strip from the mag? Imagine a 20 dollar adapter that will allow mini owners to buy and use 10 dollar hi cap AR mags! What's the feasibility of this idea? Maybe it can't be done, but I've seen some pretty amazing custom work myself just in gun magazines I bought at walmart. Any thoughts?


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Texas of course
    I'm sure there's been people try it but as of today there's still no adapter to use AR mags in the Mini. If someone could make one that's affordable and reliable it'd be one hell of a money maker.....I'd buy one for my Mini. The mags (or lack of) is the major downfall for the Mini. I own a Mini and love it for what it is, but after trying MANY other high-cap mags for it I finally gave up and now I just stick to the factroy 20rd mags.

    There is an adapter to use AR mags in the .223 Saiga now.


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    May 19, 2008
    Houston, TX, USA
    I never would have believed it if I had not expereinced it myself, but I bought a 17 dollar 20rd Pro Mag from Academy for my old Mini-14 and the damn thing works perfectly!

    Ok, so I have not used it for long (bought back in Oct of last year) but up until now...the thing works as well as my three 20rd Ruger factory mags.

    I know....I know....everyone SAID they would not work but for 17 bucks (when nothing else is around...literally!) I figured I'd give it a whirl. If its crap...only out 17 bucks.

    Glad I tried it, because it runs perfectly. I have a 1976 made Mini-14 and I also tried it in Dad's 1992 Ranch Rifle and it works there, too!

    So on the aftermarket mags....I'd say try one and see. Its only 17 bucks at Academy. It might work and it might not but they worked in MY Mini-14. I avioded them for many years, thinking they would not work because EVERYONE said so. Sometimes you have to try things for yourself.

    ...worth a try since they're cheap and readily avaiable.

    Otherwise, order some factory 20 rounders from Ruger directly - they run about 30 bucks apiece.

    - brickboy240


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    I never would have believed it if I had not expereinced it myself, but I bought a 17 dollar 20rd Pro Mag from Academy for my old Mini-14 and the damn thing works perfectly!

    Ok, so I have not used it for long (bought back in Oct of last year) but up until now...the thing works as well as my three 20rd Ruger factory mags.

    I know....I know....everyone SAID they would not work but for 17 bucks (when nothing else is around...literally!) I figured I'd give it a whirl. If its crap...only out 17 bucks.

    Glad I tried it, because it runs perfectly. I have a 1976 made Mini-14 and I also tried it in Dad's 1992 Ranch Rifle and it works there, too!

    So on the aftermarket mags....I'd say try one and see. Its only 17 bucks at Academy. It might work and it might not but they worked in MY Mini-14. I avioded them for many years, thinking they would not work because EVERYONE said so. Sometimes you have to try things for yourself.

    ...worth a try since they're cheap and readily avaiable.

    Otherwise, order some factory 20 rounders from Ruger directly - they run about 30 bucks apiece.

    - brickboy240

    You have experienced what many have, the ProMags for the mini-14 do in fact usually work. The problem with them is that when you go buy more than one the chances are significantly higher that you will come across one or more that will not function as they should. So some of us (read I) would rather just purchase the factory mags and know they will work rather than take the chance on wasting the money on the promags.


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    Mar 1, 2009
    I've read quite a few consumer reviews on the promags in polymer, and those that I've read say the they are actually quite reliable. My step bro is a cop in denton and we were discussing this a couple days ago. We've both decided we're gonna try these plastic mags. Another question tho, are the 20's generally more reliable than the 30's? I know when I was in the Marines all my buddies loaded 29 and 28 rounds in their m16 mags. Some kept 30 in and didn't seem to have any probs tho. I just made sure I held onto the SAW, as I have a thing for belt feed.


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    In my experiences with promags the 20s were definitely more reliable than the 30s. Thats not to say there weren't 30s that ran right, just a higher percentage that didn't. All of this is based on the metal mags, I've never tried the polymers.


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    Nov 30, 2008
    I have Ruger 20 round mags, but I also have some after market mags. From time to time there will be a feed problem, but so what. Just pull the bolt back and the next round chambers and you keep firing. A lot of times I think it has more to do with the ammo than the magazine.


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    Feb 22, 2009

    at the cost of .223 ammo maybe we all need a five round mag. as we reload we save money.

    Old Man of the Mountain

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    Jan 5, 2009
    A Mini 14 is light and handy, might even be reliable, I can't really tell because I get failures to feed and double feeds that might be due to aftermarket mags.

    And the bolt is a mouse trap, you can lock it open whenever you choose, but it will close when it chooses- keep your fingers out of there!

    I wasted a lot of time and money trying to find any particular ammo that would be accurate in mine, but finally determined that the rifle is just not accurate. Then everyone wanted to tell me, heck, everybody knows the things shoot all over the place- same folks that told me what a wonderful rifle it is.

    Good luck with your Mini 14.

    I am glad I finally bought some AR's!


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    Feb 23, 2009
    I owned seven factory 20 round mags and eight Promag 20 rounders. The Promags works just as flawlessly as the factory mags through both of my Mini's. Academy Sports used to sell them for around 18 bucks last year. I havn't been there this year and I would guess that they may have gone up a few bucks.


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    Jan 27, 2009
    Comanche Co., Texas
    I had a couple of atermarket mags that weren't worth a flip, but when Ruger began selling 20 rounders for 30 bucks I bought a couple, they in my opinion are super.

    It is rumored that Ruger will shortly make 30 rounders available to the public for some semi reasonable cost.

    As for adapters for Ar15 mags, don't think there are any but Magnolia State Armory down in Miss. is making them for IMI Galil and Golani rifles so they can use AR mags. I have ordered one but not rec'd same as yet.


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    Mar 4, 2009
    precision mag used to make good mags for mini 14.i think they are out of bis but u might look at gunshows.i had 2 minis and they always worked great.

    Old Man of the Mountain

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    Jan 5, 2009
    Hey Old Man, I guess you ignored this part of the OP's post: I don't need to hear all about the AR and all its variants.


    Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

    If you are interested, there is a gunsmith that will take a Mini 14, and make it as accurate as an AR for only about a thousand dollars or so.


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    May 19, 2008
    Houston, TX, USA
    Many people get disgusted with the Mini-14, because they buy it with the intention of scoping it and shooting long distances or running box after box through it in minutes or trying to shoot tight groups at 200yds. Hello! It was not designed for this!

    For a quick couple of shots on a varmint under 100yds or so or casual plinking, its an average rifle..nothing more.

    People get equally frustrated with a 30-30 when they try to make it a 200yd deer gun. Again...not what it was designed for.

    I think most people that buy Mini-14s probabl should have bought an AR or even an AK, instead.

    I like mine and use it pretty close to what it was designed for: carrying around rural property and popping a coyote or skunk every now and then or perforating some coke cans in an informal manner. Its never let me down because I don't ask it to be a battle rifle or long range sniper rifle.

    These days, though, with the price and availability of 223, I carry my Mausers and Mosins and shoot them more. Its cheaper and easier to find ammo for them! LOL

    - brickboy240
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