Need help deciding on a .45

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  • Bexar county TX

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    Mar 4, 2008
    San Antonio
    Hi everyone its been a while but need advice on a new 45 handgun the two I am thinking of are the H&K 45 and the S&W M&P. The H&K is a little more expensive but is it worth the extra $$?


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    I suggest you go to a gun shop where you can put both in your hand. The grip on those feel completely different to me. I strongly prefer the HK, but you will get a better feel if you can hold both. I would see which feels better.


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    Sep 6, 2008
    San Antonio
    +1 on the above! Some people think that HK's are worth the extra cash, some don't. You will have to decide on that for yourself. I like em but will only buy them if I can find them at a really good price. Shop around you might find one at a really good price.

    BTW FWIW I will interject my lowly personal preference for .45's:

    1) The venerable 1911! You can pick one depending on your income (from RIA to Kimber to Nighthawk depending on finances) and since EVERY gunsmith in Texas knows these guns you can have it tuned to your preference.


    2) The Sig Sauer P220! I prefer the older German made guns, though the P220ST (stainless) is really sweet (I should know, I used to have one but sold it, stupid I know, long story). A very reliable system and accurate to boot. Parts are abundant and is probably the most popular Sig model out there, though I know the P226 and P229 are not far behind.

    The above is respectfully submitted and is my own humble opinion.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    HK45 is 5 times the gun in my opinion. O-ringed barrel, polygonal rifling, better trigger, incredibly ergonomic, and it's something that will retain it's value moreso than the M&P.

    The P220 and 1911 are valid options as well. It's all in what works for you.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Handle and shoot as many guns as you can. Also, I think it should be noted that while some guns may feel great just holding them, under use they may not turn out to feel as great. For that reason it's my opinion that you really should shoot something first before making a definite decision. From my own personal experience, I'll say this much. Most modern guns work great. ;) Seriously, unless it's a Hi Point or something, just about anything from S&W, H&K, Springfield, Sig, Colt, Glock.... or any other reputable manufacturers is going to work with minimal fuss. There are of course exceptions.

    In my personal and more long term experience, I'll say this much. Older folded steel slide Sig P220's are EXCELLENT guns. These older ones have removable breech blocks and no rail frame, unlike the newer ones. My P220 is ~'94 manufacture I believe, looked liked it had been well used when I bought it. I replaced the recoil spring and trigger bar spring shortly after getting it, and within the past year have put around 5000-6000 rounds through it. There was a short period of time where I experimented with some aftermarket guide rods, which caused some serious FTF issues with JHP's. However switching back to stock fixed that. Overall, the entire time I have had the gun stock has to have been at least 5,000 rounds, and within that round count I've had maybe between 1-3 FTF's, and even then I am almost 100% positive it was due to worn mag springs on 2 of my mags. That's pretty darn good for a well worn 14y/o gun I think.

    Mark F

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    Aug 21, 2008
    Hi everyone its been a while but need advice on a new 45 handgun the two I am thinking of are the H&K 45 and the S&W M&P. The H&K is a little more expensive but is it worth the extra $$?

    Fondle and shoot as many 45's you can get your hands on. Many gun ranges have rentals, so you can give them a try BEFORE you spend big bucks on a gun you don't like.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I have been buying H&K's for over thirty years. Everyone of them are worth more then I paid for them. My P9S is one of the sweetest shooting pistol I own.

    Oooooooh. Mmmmm, P9S. ;) I had one up until a few months ago. I have to say that is my absolute, hands down favorite handgun of all time. They are just so stupidly accurate it's ridiculous. I need a target version so I can suppress it.


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    Aug 11, 2008

    I carry a Glock 21C as my primary duty weapon. Been carrying it since early 2003. Previously carried a S&W 4506 as a uniform duty weapon,(love that gun but it was just too heavy when I went to plainclothes).

    Am in process of qualifying with my new S&W M&P 45. This is good firearm, easy to use, fits my hand well.

    As others have said, try as many as you and then decide. The joy is in the quest.
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    Aug 6, 2008
    Whitesboro, TX
    1911 takes a lickin keeps on tickin for almost 100 years.

    Well, since I'm just recently a 1st time Colt owner, I didn't think I would have anything to add to this post but as of this morning, I think I do.

    I recently bought a used Colt Defender 45. Saturday, I shot it for the 1st time and on the 11th round, the outer recoil spring jumped over the lip of the recoil spring cap and wedged it into the recoil spring bushing. Getting it unstuck required a trip to a gunsmith. Not wanting a personal defense handgun to fail, I called Colt for replacement parts. Colt tells me that they don't carry the parts and to call Brownell. Brownell tells me they don't carry the parts and to call Colt. I call Colt again, they re-affirm that they don't even carry these replacement parts (I don't know why they thought Brownell would carry them), and says that tomorrow, they'll go to the manufacturing floor and see if they can get the parts from them but that those parts are usually reserved for handguns in production.

    So here I sit with a Colt Defender that after 11 rounds had to be taken to a gunsmith and no replacement parts are available unless maybe I can find upgrade parst somewhere. I also called 2 gunsmiths and neither carried the parts. Based on Colts parts policy and utter lack of customer service, you can bet this is the last Colt I'll ever buy.
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