Since I work from home, my company bought me a new WiFi6 setup. It’s overkill but hey, it’s free to me.
So I’m selling my Google WiFi setup.
3 units, 1 acts as a router and the other 2 are access points.
Super easy to setup and use.
Mesh WiFi coverage means it automatically switches to the unit with the strongest signal.
Get seamless coverage for your home/property.
Tons of articles and reviews, it’s probably the easiest-to-use mesh system out there. Manage it all from an app.
Zero issues, works great.
I’m the original owner.
Selling for $100 and I’ll ship it to you.
Open to interesting trades.
Includes everything pictured:
WiFi units
Power cords
Hanging brackets with cord management, so they can just hang from an outlet, and not take up space.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
So I’m selling my Google WiFi setup.
3 units, 1 acts as a router and the other 2 are access points.
Super easy to setup and use.
Mesh WiFi coverage means it automatically switches to the unit with the strongest signal.
Get seamless coverage for your home/property.
Tons of articles and reviews, it’s probably the easiest-to-use mesh system out there. Manage it all from an app.
Zero issues, works great.
I’m the original owner.
Selling for $100 and I’ll ship it to you.
Open to interesting trades.
Includes everything pictured:
WiFi units
Power cords
Hanging brackets with cord management, so they can just hang from an outlet, and not take up space.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro