The wife world of breakfast

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  • baboon

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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    I generally eat breakfast every morning. The low end being a Coke and a cigarette up to some very substantial brunches. It use to be the bigger the better! Now what was a reasonable breakfast is just way to much.

    Sweet breakfast do me in and put me into nap mode. Growing up breakfast at grandma was always good! She would fix & eat breakfast to go catch a bus on mornings no one would be out in many a yankee winter!

    I’m no fan of just cereal or oatmeal! Grits have to be savory and include meat & or cheese. My fat white trash ass loves crackling grits!

    While on safari breakfast was coffee or tea with Rusk. After 4 hours hunting you came in for brunch. Alcohol was never frond upon at brunch. On the return of the last trip we stayed at the PH’s in-laws chalet. I make a huge mistake eating the stewed fruit one morning.

    In my old age I have learned to like my coffee with heavy cream. Kahlua in coffee ruins me like pancakes or waffles with lots of syrup.

    I could get my fat ass up and make coffee and start frying some ham, but sitting here in my recliner is a lot easier


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    Jul 28, 2011
    Cypress, TX
    On the week days, I usually skip breakfast, but on the weekends I'm ususally in charge of making breakfast. It's usually eggs and some sort of meat one day and pancakes or waffles the next. Occasionally I'll get a little fancy.

    Below is a bagel sandwich I made for my wife last weekend. Plain bagel, swiss cheese, ham, & a runny egg.

    Bagel Sandwich.jpg


    Over the Rainbow bridge...
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    May 14, 2008
    The Woodlands, Tx.
    My breakfast for the last 7-8 years consists of 6 eggs (4 whites only and 2 whole eggs), cooked in the microwave.
    To this I add 2 Jimmy Dean Turkey sausage.

    ETA: Due to carb intake restrictions.


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    Aug 17, 2015
    El Paso, Texas
    I have been skipping breakfast & lunch for almost a year now. Been doing "one meal a day" (OMAD) and have lost 107 lbs since January 1st. Works for me... but it's not for everyone. I don't miss the pancakes, waffles, french toast, oatmeal, and the morning headaches.


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    Mar 19, 2008
    'Top of the hill, Kerr County!
    I have to eat a lot these days (and drink beer!) to maintain my weight. If I don't, I revert back to my "skinny" years! The only way I could gain weight was when I was working out with weights. I'm too lazy to do that know.


    My posts don't count....
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    Jul 1, 2008
    That place east of Waco....
    Yeah bagels are another thing one cannot find out in rural Texas! H-E-B listed bagels and smoked salmon in the ad, but I never found it in Mexia!
    Mexia HEB has bagels.....but you have to check the lower shelves. Brookshires in Teague and Fairfield also carry them.

    Bagels are a favorite. If I'm somewhere with an Einstein Bros nearby, a stop will be made.....

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