Transfer of ownership

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  • Catherine1

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    May 10, 2021

    I wish your daughter well in ALL of her future endeavors from school to shooting to her profession!

    You are a good Father.


    Old Lady Cate

    PS: From what I gather and I could be WRONG (?), ALL universities are requiring what you had to do when it came to legal - proof of FIREARM ownership just to KEEP a gun on campus. Even if the STUDENT is NOT on a SHOOTING TEAM. And some schools will NOT allow a student to keep a gun @ school, locked up in an APPROVED SCHOOL SPECIAL PLACE or not, or even in their vehicle IF the vehicle is PARKED on campus. IT depends on the STATE, county, city and school when it comes to the vehicle with a GUN hidden and locked up securely too.

    THOSE UNIVERSITY FIREARM RULES will apply especially IF your daughter will compete in her own state, travel to other states and perhaps OVERSEAS for an international competition - event.

    Every school and local/state will differ.

    It is a SHAME that they do not just have ONE RULE and FOLLOW IT when it comes to the RKBA issue but if you want to play the game and KEEP what you have in some schools - you have to abide by THEIR RULES. Plus she will have to really APPLY all of those RULES to keep her record CLEAN for ANY .gov or non .gov job since it will ALL BE ON FILE.


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    Dec 22, 2022
    Big Thicket
    Today is the official day I actually transferred my $6000.00 dollar shotgun to my now 18-year-old daughter who is starting her new journey. She is attending Schreiner University in Kerrville and joining their shotgun team. This Beretta 694 O/U 12 Gauge with TSK stock was bought in the fall of 2021 season by me but as of today it now belongs to her as a first-time owned gun. I drafted paperwork for her and changed insurance information declaring her the new owner. My daughter will be the first in our family to own a substantial very expensive gun. Lol. Has anyone here ever gifted a gun to their kids at a very high-value cost like an O/U I have transferred to my daughter?
    Great picture! Congrats to you and her, Tony; she sure takes after her dad. :)


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    Apr 15, 2013
    Yes, the school and her shooting team will store the guns in the campus police storage vaults and only registered owners can check in and check out guns from their storage. It is very controlled with an agreement between the shooting team and campus police. I just wrote an affidavit transferring ownership to her plus did more like having her fill out a CBP Form 4457 in case her team travels internationally and also having her obtain her own gun insurance for the shotgun.
    How does someone prove that they are the registered owner?
    I assume you took the gun to a FFL to transfer the 4473
    Do you just take a copy of that and give it to them?


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    Jan 3, 2010
    Occupied Texas
    You have - excuse me, HAD, a $6,000 shotgun? Wow! Nobody in his right mind would ever let me touch a shotgun that expensive. Good luck to your daughter in her shooting endeavors.


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    Jul 23, 2020
    Montgomery, TX
    Yes, the school and her shooting team will store the guns in the campus police storage vaults and only registered owners can check in and check out guns from their storage. It is very controlled with an agreement between the shooting team and campus police. I just wrote an affidavit transferring ownership to her plus did more like having her fill out a CBP Form 4457 in case her team travels internationally and also having her obtain her own gun insurance for the shotgun.
    I don't understand. How can there be registered owners when there is no gun registration in Texas and most other free states.


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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    Coach for the rifle or shotgun teams? I met the rifle coach in the last orientation. Shotgun coach has been communicating with us for years before she graduated. I will look that name up or talk with the school directors.
    Shotgun IIRC he was an older then me guy when I met him, if he still alive he would be pretty old.


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    Mar 22, 2020
    Many years back if my memory serves me right I met an older guy from Comfort, Texas named Bill Thomas who was very involved in Schreiner University Shooting Team.
    Bill is still kicking but pretty sure he doesn’t work with the SU team any more.


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    Nov 7, 2013
    Humble, TX
    I don't understand. How can there be registered owners when there is no gun registration in Texas and most other free states.
    You are right there is no registration in Texas but I just filed an affidavit declaring her the new owner and created other legal paperwork with her name attached to the shotgun like her filling out the CBP Form 4457 and calling the Sportsman Insurance company to have her own insurance for the gun rather than me so there is no question with the school who owns the gun.


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    Nov 7, 2013
    Humble, TX

    I wish your daughter well in ALL of her future endeavors from school to shooting to her profession!

    You are a good Father.


    Old Lady Cate

    PS: From what I gather and I could be WRONG (?), ALL universities are requiring what you had to do when it came to legal - proof of FIREARM ownership just to KEEP a gun on campus. Even if the STUDENT is NOT on a SHOOTING TEAM. And some schools will NOT allow a student to keep a gun @ school, locked up in an APPROVED SCHOOL SPECIAL PLACE or not, or even in their vehicle IF the vehicle is PARKED on campus. IT depends on the STATE, county, city and school when it comes to the vehicle with a GUN hidden and locked up securely too.

    THOSE UNIVERSITY FIREARM RULES will apply especially IF your daughter will compete in her own state, travel to other states and perhaps OVERSEAS for an international competition - event.

    Every school and local/state will differ.

    It is a SHAME that they do not just have ONE RULE and FOLLOW IT when it comes to the RKBA issue but if you want to play the game and KEEP what you have in some schools - you have to abide by THEIR RULES. Plus she will have to really APPLY all of those RULES to keep her record CLEAN for ANY .gov or non .gov job since it will ALL BE ON FILE.
    I noticed that as well that not all Universities are the same. This actually helped us choose which school to attend. As I mentioned earlier we took a look at Jacksonville University and they have a no-gun policy on their campus but have a storage facility outside of campus what irked us was the fact that even possession of a gun case can lead you to a suspension and I said hell no. Imagine if she had a shooting vest or gun cleaning kit and they discovered it and suspended her for it. No thanks, I would raise the biggest hell but then again did not want to take chances and pick a little more relaxed school. I talked with the Schreiner Chief of Police and was assured they have a great relationship with the gun community attending school. Hell even kids with LTC and a hunting rifle can check it in with the Campus police and check when they leave the campus.


    deplorable malcontent scofflaw
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    Nov 11, 2008
    Austin - Rockdale
    Has anyone here ever gifted a gun to their kids at a very high-value cost like an O/U I have transferred to my daughter?
    What guns? My daughter has instructions to clear out the safe I keep my Beanie Babies in before I'm even cold :laughing:

    Seriously tho it's great to see your daughter taking up shooting sports. I just hope her and her fellow competitors see the rules as stupid and not think this is how all guns should be handled.


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    Nov 7, 2013
    Humble, TX
    What guns? My daughter has instructions to clear out the safe I keep my Beanie Babies in before I'm even cold :laughing:

    Seriously tho it's great to see your daughter taking up shooting sports. I just hope her and her fellow competitors see the rules as stupid and not think this is how all guns should be handled.
    I will bet these rules are written by lawyers for the school.

    Mowingmaniac 24/7

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    Nov 7, 2015
    "I will bet these rules are written by lawyers for the school."...yep!

    The one (maybe) positive aspect I can see is some thief claiming the shotgun is theirs...and she can prove it isn't...if it's still about that is.

    Every Day Man

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