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  • General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    Watched the first two Mando twice, and watched Boba Fet, as well as Obi Wan while I was awaiting the third season of Mando.

    Sounds like I may need to check out Andor too.

    Very different feel on Andor - there's really not a lot of action in most episodes (though when it happens it's very well done) but some very good worldbuilding and storytelling. And Imperials who are more than just mustache-twirling villains.


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    May 11, 2015
    If it had been left to me, there would not even be a television in my home, however, my wife apparently can not function without a TV on in whatever room she is in.

    One of the shows she watches a lot is Big Bang Theory.
    I absolutely hate that show, The little pinhead Sheldon really gets on my nerves.
    With that said, she also watched Young Sheldon and that is one funny show, with one substantial flaw and that is in the scripting of the character Dr Sturgis

    The writers of this show should have been required to include the word INCONCEIVEABLE! into his dialog every week! :laughing:

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    If it had been left to me, there would not even be a television in my home, however, my wife apparently can not function without a TV on in whatever room she is in.

    One of the shows she watches a lot is Big Bang Theory.
    I absolutely hate that show, The little pinhead Sheldon really gets on my nerves.
    With that said, she also watched Young Sheldon and that is one funny show, with one substantial flaw and that is in the scripting of the character Dr Sturgis
    View attachment 379066
    The writers of this show should have been required to include the word INCONCEIVEABLE! into his dialog every week! :laughing:

    Big Bang Theory is a show you either love or hate. I recognized a lot of my friends over the years in the core group of characters. It was pretty entertaining to me.

    BTW, if you go to Marfa in the summertime you're likely to run into Wallace Shawn around town. He goes there to help with their little community theater project. Just don't run up to him at the grocery store and yell "Incoceivable!!!" - he gets that a lot.


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    May 11, 2015
    Big Bang Theory is a show you either love or hate. I recognized a lot of my friends over the years in the core group of characters. It was pretty entertaining to me.

    BTW, if you go to Marfa in the summertime you're likely to run into Wallace Shawn around town. He goes there to help with their little community theater project. Just don't run up to him at the grocery store and yell "Incoceivable!!!" - he gets that a lot.
    I bet it really does get old for him.

    In my job, I run across celebrities often, and just treat them like the rest of the people I work around. I figure if they wanted the attention, they would be wearing their star fleet uniform or whatever identifies them as the character they played.

    I see a lot of CW singers, and someone will always come up afterward and say 'That was so and so!" I usually respond, "Really! I didn't recognize him/her since they weren't singing."

    leave them be. Most just want a regular life off the stage.
    Last edited:

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    I bet it really does get old for him.

    In my job, I run across celebrities often, and just treat them like the rest of the people I work around. I figure if they wanted the attention, they would be wearing their star fleet uniform or whatever identifies them as the character they played.

    I see a lot of CW singers, and someone will always come up afterward and say 'That was so and so!" I usually respond, "Really! I didn't recognize him/her since they weren't singing."

    leave them be. Most just want a regular life of the stage.

    Yeah, even at events where there are "meet and greet" times arranged, if I run into a celebrity away from their "on" time, I try to treat them like anyone else I'm vaguely acquainted with. "Hey, great to see you!" and then only if there's an obvious opening for me to even say something. Otherwise, a smile and nod to let 'em know they're recognized but their privacy is respected. I've had a number of interactions with people of varying degrees of fame, and when you treat them like a regular person you often wind up with a very good experience.

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    The entertainment industry has left little to desire.

    It's why we just do streaming entertainment. There's no point to spending money on a thousand channels of crap we're not interested in (plus 800 channels of C-SPAN nobody anywhere watches). For the few shows the family and I watch, we have a couple of streaming subscriptions that cover it pretty well.


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    Jul 1, 2008
    That place east of Waco....
    "Rogue One" is the only Disney Star Wars movie that stands up well alongside the original trilogy - which is nice, because it shows the theft of the Death Star plans before Princess Leia received them back in 1977. It has some nice surprises in it.

    Mando and Book of Boba Fett happen a few years after Return of the Jedi, and have a good feel to them. They'll be padding that storyline out a bit with more shows in the near future.

    "The Clone Wars" cartoon series started off as an annoying kids show, and then halfway through the first season it turned into some pretty solid storytelling - it was a better prequel than the prequels it was supposed to be a filler for. There are a couple of characters from this show and its follow up animated show "Star Wars: Rebels" that will start playing into the Mando storyline. Both shows are worth a watch if you can get past the animation.

    "Obi Wan" was good, showing Kenobi's early years of exile on Tattooine.

    "Andor" is a prequel to "Rogue One" and had a very strong first season - it didn't have as much of a Star Wars feel as the other shows though. It was very grounded and felt more like an espionage story than a sci fi adventure. Along with the main character's story, it's also giving us a peek into the early years of the Rebellion as it gets organized.

    As a big fan of Han Solo and the Brian Daley books, I really liked SOLO. It was a good bio on the pre-ANH Solo that we met on Tatooine, and I don't understand the hate aimed at it. I'm hoping (sometime after K. Kennedy gets kicked to the curb and Filoni starts running the SW show) they bring Ron Howard back to do a movie based on the Daley novels.....esp. if it's HAN SOLO'S REVENGE.

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    As a big fan of Han Solo and the Brian Daley books, I really liked SOLO. It was a good bio on the pre-ANH Solo that we met on Tatooine, and I don't understand the hate aimed at it. I'm hoping (sometime after K. Kennedy gets kicked to the curb and Filoni starts running the SW show) they bring Ron Howard back to do a movie based on the Daley novels.....esp. if it's HAN SOLO'S REVENGE.

    The biggest problem in my opinion was...they tried too hard. They tried to shoehorn too much in and a lot of it was hamfisted. And honestyl, the last name thing was...cringe inducing. When you look at some of the things that were cut - like Han's experiences (and court martial) in flight training that led to him being stuck in the infantry on a mudball planet, you can see how a much better movie could have been produced but just wasn't.

    Also, I hated the redesign on the Falcon.

    It definitely had its good points and it's not a bad movie, but it fell short of what it should have been. AC Crispin wrote a Han Solo origin trilogy in the 90s that is a better story in my opinion.


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    Jun 7, 2011
    Katy, TX
    Recently watched The Killing Fields on Netflix. Want to say its 3-4 episodes long.

    It’s about a string of unsolved murders of young women on I45 south of Houston in the 70’s - 80”s. Sad but interesting story and how a couple parents never gave up.

    Riveting story.
    I believe that was how Texas Equisearch got started. Laura Smithers' father. BTW William? Reece confessed to the killings and lead them to a few of the bodies that he buried. He was already in prison for other murders.

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    Watched the whole season of Boba Fett. Hope they come out with another.

    Last night I watched E2 of Mando. I love that they have Vic from Longmire on there.

    Did you skip season 1? She doesn't show up until season 2...and then it's only a couple of appearances until season 3 when she's been in every episode.

    Or are you talking about this season and I'm overthinking it?


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    May 5, 2022
    Mando was only 38min again last nite [22mar]. rip off. at least it wasn't more Andor spin off trash like last week.

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    Mando was only 38min again last nite [22mar]. rip off. at least it wasn't more Andor spin off trash like last week.

    Ummm...last week was following up with characters introduced in previous seasons of Mando. Dr Pershing was in the very first episode. Wrong time period for any spillover from Andor by about 20 years.
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