Ukraine War and Politics

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  • cycleguy2300

    TGT Addict
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    Mar 19, 2010
    Austin, Texas
    Just another leftist communist trying to get the world to leave mother ruzzia alone to terrorize its neighbors...

    Why do communists seem so set on trying to scare the world into letti g ruzzia do what it wants?

    Here is an interview with Fred Wier...

    Could Fred be right? I don't 100% dismiss his take just because he is a communist, but when some mafia clown says its in the interest of my health to not walk down a street right now, I dont think for a second its because he is concerned for my well-being and when communists and leftists say we shouldn't try to help those ruzzia is trying to opress, I think it is for the same reason, they just want to get away with what ever evil they are perpetrating.

    Lots of questions...

    Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk


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    Feb 17, 2024
    All I know is that Ukraine is not good for our debt or our military supplies.
    At this point, the only countries in the EU with a higher debt to GDP ratio than the US are Greece and Italy. Meanwhile this week we announced that we are borrowing another 300+ billion for Ukraine …


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    Feb 17, 2024
    Just another leftist communist trying to get the world to leave mother ruzzia alone to terrorize its neighbors...

    Why do communists seem so set on trying to scare the world into letti g ruzzia do what it wants?

    Here is an interview with Fred Wier...

    Could Fred be right? I don't 100% dismiss his take just because he is a communist, but when some mafia clown says its in the interest of my health to not walk down a street right now, I dont think for a second its because he is concerned for my well-being and when communists and leftists say we shouldn't try to help those ruzzia is trying to opress, I think it is for the same reason, they just want to get away with what ever evil they are perpetrating.

    Lots of questions...

    Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
    Leftist communist my ass. You post nothing but memes and ad hominem attacks. But if that’s the best you can do, I guess you better stick with it


    TGT Addict
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    Mar 19, 2010
    Austin, Texas
    Remember back when we said using those was a war crime? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
    Who? When?

    Using them against civilians (like ruzzia has) is a war crime, just like using any other bomb, missile or rocket targeting civilians..

    We've been supplying Ukraine with cluster munitions for the better part of a year if not longer now...

    Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
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