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  • billtool

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    Nov 16, 2008
    The Wooldlands
    I’m in North Philadelphia on business staying at a typical Hampton Inn. It’s a lovely night, so I was outside drinking a beer sitting on a bench typically reserved for smokers. A gal approached me and said she wasn’t going to sit next to me because she was smoking weed. I invited her to sit down as that stuff doesn’t bother me but is not a part of my life. She was a very sweet girl but truly I could barely understand an entire sentence that came out of her mouth. Not that she was speaking a different language or urban dialect, but literally halfway through her sentences I would lose track of what she was saying. She just didn’t make sense. Just a really weird experience guys.She was sweet as pie, but evidenced everything that is wrong intellectually with urban society. Crazy.


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    Jul 8, 2022
    I’m in North Philadelphia on business staying at a typical Hampton Inn. It’s a lovely night, so I was outside drinking a beer sitting on a bench typically reserved for smokers. A gal approached me and said she wasn’t going to sit next to me because she was smoking weed. I invited her to sit down as that stuff doesn’t bother me but is not a part of my life. She was a very sweet girl but truly I could barely understand an entire sentence that came out of her mouth. Not that she was speaking a different language or urban dialect, but literally halfway through her sentences I would lose track of what she was saying. She just didn’t make sense. Just a really weird experience guys.She was sweet as pie, but evidenced everything that is wrong intellectually with urban society. Crazy.
    Maybe you were inhaling more than you thought.


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    Jul 8, 2022
    And hoping she would lean over a bit more so you could see down her shirt?!

    Just saying’, ‘ cause I would have been!


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    Nov 1, 2015
    The weed today is very different from MJ in the past (much more potent) and who knows if it was fentanyl tainted. Unless purchased at some state certified store you could die smoking a joint. Scary stuff.
    I personally do not use any mind altering drugs but plenty of relatives (west coast) do.


    TGT Addict
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    Apr 13, 2018
    I’m in North Philadelphia on business staying at a typical Hampton Inn. It’s a lovely night, so I was outside drinking a beer sitting on a bench typically reserved for smokers. A gal approached me and said she wasn’t going to sit next to me because she was smoking weed. I invited her to sit down as that stuff doesn’t bother me but is not a part of my life. She was a very sweet girl but truly I could barely understand an entire sentence that came out of her mouth. Not that she was speaking a different language or urban dialect, but literally halfway through her sentences I would lose track of what she was saying. She just didn’t make sense. Just a really weird experience guys.She was sweet as pie, but evidenced everything that is wrong intellectually with urban society. Crazy.

    Glenn B

    Retired & Loving It
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    Sep 5, 2019
    Texarkana - Across The Border
    I’m in North Philadelphia on business staying at a typical Hampton Inn. It’s a lovely night, so I was outside drinking a beer sitting on a bench typically reserved for smokers. A gal approached me and said she wasn’t going to sit next to me because she was smoking weed. I invited her to sit down as that stuff doesn’t bother me but is not a part of my life. She was a very sweet girl but truly I could barely understand an entire sentence that came out of her mouth. Not that she was speaking a different language or urban dialect, but literally halfway through her sentences I would lose track of what she was saying. She just didn’t make sense. Just a really weird experience guys.She was sweet as pie, but evidenced everything that is wrong intellectually with urban society. Crazy.
    Senseless babbling out of the mouths of stoners abounds.


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    The weed today is very different from MJ in the past (much more potent) and who knows if it was fentanyl tainted. Unless purchased at some state certified store you could die smoking a joint. Scary stuff.
    I personally do not use any mind altering drugs but plenty of relatives (west coast) do.
    Wait until you get cancer and have to do Chemo treatments.


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    Sep 27, 2017
    I tell you guys- it wasn’t the pot. This gal was just stuck in the mud that American urban culture venerates .

    That was the vast majority of how our trip to Virginia a few weeks ago went. Don’t know if it’s an east coast thing or a general urban thing or what. I used to think it was limited to politicians, but the trend of senseless drivel abounds.


    Consider the Source
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    Jan 23, 2019
    Pipe Creek
    That was the vast majority of how our trip to Virginia a few weeks ago went. Don’t know if it’s an east coast thing or a general urban thing or what. I used to think it was limited to politicians, but the trend of senseless drivel abounds.
    Some of y'all have yet to see the movie "Idiocracy".

    Every Day Man

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