We are Inappropriate

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  • Acesn8's

    Emeritus - "Texas Proud"
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    Mar 21, 2008
    Llano county
    I got this from another forum I belong to ,I want y'all to know that
    Embassey Suites feels websites that are firearms oriented are not welcome.

    Remember this when traveling!!!

    Embassy Suites has blocked our site (Home at the Range), along with Gun Broker and RangeDay, from their computers in the computer rooms.

    The reason they give is that our sites are "In-appropriate", because we are gun sites!!!!

    I would suggest writing to them letting them know you will not be staying at their motels until this policy is changed.

    I will request the NRA to look into this matter as well.


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    I would suggest writing to them letting them know you will not be staying at their motels until this policy is changed.

    I will request the NRA to look into this matter as well.

    The first suggestion would be OK but the second one not so, in my opinion. Embassy Suites has every right to control their own property, whether or not you or I agree with them.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    I travel with a laptop, so I don't care what the hotel computers allow.

    As a father, I do want the hotel computers to be 'safe' for kids. I am sure the policy makers for the hotel would rather make them 'safer' than have a guest get upset by something they see (I know, it's all politically correct b-s). Plus, they probably don't actually select what is safe, they use a set of software or firewall pre-configured with the parameters already programmed.

    If my laptop broke, I would be bummed about not being able to check the forum. But, I do like Embassy Suites, especially their breakfast.

    I feel for you, as you probably wanted to log on the forum and were blocked. On the other hand, I understand why they do it.

    I am fine with them as long as I don't see a sign telling my I can't stay there with my firearm.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    It sounds like I got my Laptop just in time :D

    Anyhow, I wonder if they took the time to block out all the Porn sites as well as other In-appropriate sites?

    Double Naught Spy

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    Mar 4, 2008
    North Texas
    I believe y'all who think traveling with your own computer will suffice may find this to be untrue if you are using ES's internet connection. It isn't about having your own computer, but your own internet service on your own computer.

    Such sites (and others) are likely filtered via their internet software and as such, you won't get it on their service without going through something like an clandestine surfer program.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Such sites (and others) are likely filtered via their internet software and as such, you won't get it on their service without going through something like an clandestine surfer program.

    It's more like an anonymous proxy. Trouble is that most won't let you submit HTML forms (ie compose posts and login) without some sort of payment or some other measure to cut down on fraud and abusing their service.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    I believe y'all who think traveling with your own computer will suffice may find this to be untrue if you are using ES's internet connection. It isn't about having your own computer, but your own internet service on your own computer.

    Such sites (and others) are likely filtered via their internet software and as such, you won't get it on their service without going through something like an clandestine surfer program.

    It's not like I'm going to stay in an Embassy but we use a Sprint Phone card ;)

    Now for those people who mentioned they will no longer be staying in an Embassy hotel. This hotel is part of the Hilton family which probaly has the same policy or maybe considering it.

    Homewood suites
    Hampton Inn


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    Feb 23, 2008
    It's not like I'm going to stay in an Embassy but we use a Sprint Phone card ;)

    Now for those people who mentioned they will no longer be staying in an Embassy hotel. This hotel is part of the Hilton family which probaly has the same policy or maybe considering it.

    Homewood suites
    Hampton Inn

    Stayed in a Hilton a couple of weeks ago and had no problem accessing the site from my laptop, so either they don't or they don't restrict access on personal computers.


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    I dont care, I have my own computer

    :rolleyes:I dont care, I bring my laptop

    :oI dont care I dont stay at embassy suites.


    the problem is..YOU DONT CARE that a Major business in the community..thinks you. we, Me, We, our hobby,OUr passion etc is a DANGER to society..

    that is the bloody issue..

    by God we all Better start caring or its gonna be gone.. or controlled to the point only They are gonna have guns or ammo or places to shoot and We are gonna be S.O.L.

    Am I the only one sees this, am I just a crazy old guy, bitterly hugging my guns and religion in fear of people not like me???? to pander to the Obamassiah

    write call, email Embassy suites, HILTON hotels and BITCH loud and often until this is changed
    we are not inapproriate, we are not out of place, we are not Nut jobs nor are we a danger to society..

    People Wake T F UP....

    Your freedoms, rights and ability to be what it is to be an AMERICAN is being eroded daily..


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    Your freedoms, rights and ability to be what it is to be an AMERICAN is being eroded daily..

    Sorry, I can't agree in this instance.

    You don't have any freedoms and rights on Embassy Suite's property, besides choosing whether to stay there or not. It's simply a property rights issue - they own the property, they get to say how their property is used (or not). You might not be happy if other people came into your house and started using your computer for child porn (as an example; substitute any other use you do not approve of). It's the same thing here - whether you agree with them or not (I don't), they have the right to control their own property. If you and I choose not to spend money there that is one thing, but the day that they can't control their own property is the day that the rest of us are going to be in a world of bigger hurt than just suffering from gun-unfriendly businesses. Control of property is the most fundamental right we have in my opinion, and I would never want it set aside just because I did not agree with how someone else uses their property.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    the problem is..YOU DONT CARE that a Major business in the community..thinks you. we, Me, We, our hobby,OUr passion etc is a DANGER to society..

    that is the bloody issue..

    by God we all Better start caring or its gonna be gone.. or controlled to the point only They are gonna have guns or ammo or places to shoot and We are gonna be S.O.L.

    Am I the only one sees this, am I just a crazy old guy, bitterly hugging my guns and religion in fear of people not like me???? to pander to the Obamassiah

    write call, email Embassy suites, HILTON hotels and BITCH loud and often until this is changed
    we are not inapproriate, we are not out of place, we are not Nut jobs nor are we a danger to society..

    People Wake T F UP....

    Your freedoms, rights and ability to be what it is to be an AMERICAN is being eroded daily..

    Honestly, it's their property, and it's their right to not allow firearms, or limit their web service.

    It's also your right to not do business with them.

    I believe it's pretty clear cut, and not worth making a huge stink over. Of course it doesn't hurt to voice an opinion to them regarding the issue. Talk to the right people in a respectable manner and something will change. Charge in there with an attitude, screaming and yelling, or stone-walling the manager and you are likely to get nothing in return.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    Well I'm currently staying down town Dallas at the Fair field with zero internet issues. Now I haven't looked up any porn but I'm able to order Glock parts and log on to multiple firearm related forums. Anyhow, I figured I would pass that along to anyone interrested in staying in Dallas.


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    It is the right of a private entity to restrict the service they offer as they wish. As a consumer I would promptly complain if this restriction caused me any trouble and go to another place to stay.

    Let them know you do not approve in a polite way and vote by spending your money elsewhere.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    I would like to add something to this thread because of something we had to implement at my business.

    It was brought to my attention that we have an employee that is wasting time perusing 'less than desireable' websites. Essentially, he was spending company time looking at porn. Since none of us want to have an awkward meeting with him about it and I have a sonicWall firewall, we bought the license to use their content filter.

    The filter is a myriad of categories, encompassing which websites will not be allowed. One of the selections I could have checked was 'weapons'. Now, not wanting to block this website, I didn't select that one. However, an over-ambitious IT person could simply check "select all" and be done. That would be safest for them, as they probably would not be disciplined over erring on the side of caution.

    I can see how it would be blocked. I only chose the selections that would keep 'bonehead' from surfing what could easily be wrapped into a sexual discrimination/harrassment suit and was of particularly bad taste.

    With the catagories, there may be a lot of violent or gruesome things that could be classified under 'weapons'. So, I understand why somebody may select it. Unfortunately, we (those of us who enjoy this site) become the victims of a politically correct world.

    Don't get me wrong, if I had it my way.......if somebody came up complaining about what they found their child viewing.......I would ask why they didn't raise them better or if they were so concerned, why they were not supervising them while they were searching. It seems that everyone wants somebody else to babysit their kids for them, whether it be schools, businesses, or the government. The effect of this is that we end up with electronic nannies to protect all of us. These nannies can't discern the difference between a good website (such as this one) versus one that may very graphically show somebody's head exploding from a bullet.

    I do hope that helps a few to understand how it can happen. I don't know who you would contact [probably the corporate office if the individual hotels are not able to make the change locally], but they can specifically add us as a 'safe site' to be allowed access.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Wow, must be an easy-going company you work for! At all of the companies I've worked and many friends have worked, there has been a surprising number of people fired for looking at porn at work. I really don't understand what would possess someone to do that considering all they have to do is wait until they get home. Most places would fire someone instantly if that happened.
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