What Drives These Pedophiles/Perverts?

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  • Glenn B

    Retired & Loving It
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    Sep 5, 2019
    Texarkana - Across The Border
    Once again, as it all too often happens - an adult allegedly has sexually assaulted a young child. This time, an adult male reportedly broke into the house and to the room of an 8 year old girl and allegedly raped her before she was able to get to her grandfather for help. The grand-dad chased the guy out of the house. Police later arrested the suspect. More here:


    I dealt with a few pedophiles briefly during my career and I must say they were twisted. Other than mental illness (and their type of mental disease seems incurable in a mental health setting) or pure evil (and I do not mean that in a religious sense but just as the evil that men do), I have no comprehension of anything else there could be that drives them to commit these heinous acts of perversion against young children. She is only 8 years old! Sadly, some of these these freaks sexually assault children still in their cribs.

    I wonder, will what makes them tick ever be discovered or if finding that out is just pointless. Since no one by now has been able to figure out what makes these pervs do what they do, I think there is only one possible cure and that only if the death penalty could be considered a cure. Whether or not it would be considered such, it certainly would prevent them from becoming recidivists and recidivism among pedophiles is extremely common. The only other method of preventing recidivism, I think, would be to neuter them and then jail them for life.


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    Apr 1, 2021
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    One thing about putting them in prison is that they wont last too long. That kind of crime is even severely hated by the worst criminals. I have a cousin that worked in the Texas Prison System as a guard for 40 years, and when a convicted child molester was brought in, they had to be quarantined from the general population to prevent brutal gang rape and then murder, which in my mind is truly justice served.
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    Retiretgtshit stirrer
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    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    Personally, I don't see any overwhelming need to understand why a pervert or pedophile is the way they are.

    I think as long as we can recognize that it's evil and wrong, that is enough.

    Does anyone think any parent wants to understand why a pedophile is what they are, or why they do what they do to a child or a minor? Or just wants that person hung from the nearest tree?

    In most cases, pedophilia can not be rehabilitated. Most are going to be repeat offenders once they are released.

    I don't make the laws, or set the sentences, but I'm not uncomfortable with the death penalty being handed out for pedophiles.


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    Aug 12, 2021
    Personally, I don't see any overwhelming need to understand why a pervert or pedophile is the way they are.

    I think as long as we can recognize that it's evil and wrong, that is enough.

    Does anyone think any parent wants to understand why a pedophile is what they are, or why they do what they do to a child or a minor? Or just wants that person hung from the nearest tree?

    In most cases, pedophilia can not be rehabilitated. Most are going to be repeat offenders once they are released.

    I don't make the laws, or set the sentences, but I'm not uncomfortable with the death penalty being handed out for pedophiles.
    I dated a gal who’s grandfather molested her for years, she’s severely mentally broken and her family refuses to help. I think he deserved DP, she wasn’t the only member of the family he molested either. He also continues to make suggestive comments to the other girls in the family, and I do mean girls, little girls. I tried to get the law involved but the grandmother has Stockholm syndrome from what it seems like. She won’t admit what she knows and the liking, it’s sad


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    Aug 12, 2021
    One thing about putting them in prison is that they wont last too long. That kind of crime is even severely hated by the worst criminals. I have a cousin that worked in the Texas Prison System as a guard for 40 years, and when a convicted child molester was brought in, they had to be quarantined from the general population to prevent brutal gang rape and then murder, which in my mind is truly justice served.
    Father was a guard for about 24 years, he says the same thing. They always get wrecked by worse people. Well deserved imho


    Just Another Boomer
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    Nov 22, 2011
    I wonder, will what makes them tick ever be discovered or if finding that out is just pointless.
    I don't think finding out is pointless. If there's ever going to be a cure (other than the death penalty) then there has to be research.

    From what we know so far, there seem to be basically three kinds of pedophiles.
    • Exclusive - They can't get aroused with a partner who's past puberty.
    • Preferential - They'd prefer to have sex with kids but they can function with adults.
    • Opportunistic - They don't particularly desire children, maybe not at all. But they're going to have sex and if a kid is all that's available, they'll use the kid.
    It's been over 20 years since I had to work with something having to do with catching pedophiles. It was a weird 6 months of my life I wish I'd never endured. I saw things I can never get out of my head. However, I did learn a few things.
    • Most people use the word "pedophile" incorrectly. A pedophile desires pre-pubescent children. Once a sexual partner has passed puberty the person that has sex with them is, by definition, not a pedophile. They might be a creep, but not a pedophile. There are other words that can be used for people who exclusively or non-exclusively prefer folks of various ages, from very young to very old, but psychologists lump most of them under the umbrella nomenclature of "basically normal human beings."
    • Most pedophiles know that if they act on their desires, they'll harm a child and, basically, they don't want to do that. So the overwhelming majority of them repress the urges. They tend to look at pictures, have poor quality or no intimate relationships, and wind up as depressed geezers who die alone. They're, frankly, pitiful. The percentage of guys (and it's almost all guys) convicted of possessing obscene material who are actually completely harmless, scared-of-their-own-shadow types is very, very high. I don't have real stats to back me up, but it's my impression that for every pedophile child molester out there, there are 100 other guys who would like to do the same thing but hold themselves back for a litany of reasons.
    • An active pedophile must have problems beyond their sexual preferences, i.e. problems with impulse control. Generally, if someone had been paying enough attention they could have been caught a lot earlier because they will have most likely done other stupid/bad/illegal stuff long before they molested a kid.
    • The single most common moniker for a pedophile who actually molests a child is "Mom's boyfriend."
    Stable, traditional family structures wouldn't make this shit go away completely but it would help to an inestimable degree.

    Pedophiles tried very hard, very publicly to achieve public acceptance along with gays back in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The gays didn't want to have anything to do with them and cut them loose. The result was that the pedos lost all the ground they had gained. Convictions for underage sex became more common. Ages of consent rose. Child porn became illegal. (I'll bet some of you didn't know it was almost completely legal in the 1960s and wasn't totally illegal everywhere until the 1980s.)

    The attempt of pedos to insert themselves into the mainstream of society backfired very badly for them. Over the last 50 years, American culture has decided their behavior deserves to be punished, not accepted.

    Some people will still argue about how accepting we should be of gay folks but I think our culture has reached a near-universal and solidly correct point of view when it comes to pedos.
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    Oct 1, 2014
    San Antonio, Texas USA
    A guy who worked for me for about 4 years, transferred into my department by my boss when we were overloaded with projects.

    Good engineer, ex Navy submariner, wife, two kids, good friends with others at the company. Gets in trouble for a crime against his neighbor's 10yr old daughter. He got 5 years in jail after several ladies, even his sister popped up and testified against him.

    Point being, never can tell.

    I think he got off easy, out of jail in 3 years.


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    Apr 13, 2018
    No normal person is able to understand. A normal man is attracted to a woman for features caused by age/maturity. Hips, breast, ect you know where I’m going. It’s biology; Healthy biology.

    I do believe the death penalty should apply to kiddy fiddlers. If I ask myself how someone could bring themselves to do it the answer becomes very simple: monster.

    I’m no psychologist but I can feel something if a person was screaming for help. Despite all the tough guy talk I reacted without thought and more concerned for a victims well being than I thought I would. Like the shooting I responded to at my last job as a supervisor. As grown men bleed out moaning the thought goes threw my head: why would someone do this if it wasn’t self defense? Why would they do this to solve a dispute? The answer: Some people are monsters.

    Monsters are real. They walk around us everyday. A kiddy fiddler is just another type of monster. Children are innocent. They are like clay. They mold to what adults want. Just knowing that tells you the kind of monster someone is to take that innocence.


    Crotchety, Snarky, Truthful. You'll get over it.
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    Jul 23, 2011
    Little Elm
    One thing about putting them in prison is that they wont last too long. That kind of crime is even severely hated by the worst criminals. I have a cousin that worked in the Texas Prison System as a guard for 40 years, and when a convicted child molester was brought in, they had to be quarantined from the general population to prevent brutal gang rape and then murder, which in my mind is truly justice served.
    That's no longer the case. Most go into sex offenders units where all scum are relatively equal.


    Dances With Snakes
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    Oct 14, 2017
    In the woods...
    While I prefer the "garden" to be trimmed and maintained, I do not want it to be completely devoid of vegetation. It is unattractive in that state, and reminiscent of prepubescence.
    In other words, I am exclusively interested in a full-grown wo-wo-wo-man (as Hank Jr. would say)!


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    Apr 13, 2018
    Once I become a dad I became less forgiving. When my son was born he was a premie. I had to feed him with a tube attached to my pinky. That was my first experience holding such a delicate life in my hands.

    There’s no threats to make. It’s all just words. If someone were to hurt my son I’ll let loose.

    Glenn B

    Retired & Loving It
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    Sep 5, 2019
    Texarkana - Across The Border
    Personally, I don't see any overwhelming need to understand why a pervert or pedophile is the way they are.

    I think as long as we can recognize that it's evil and wrong, that is enough.

    Does anyone think any parent wants to understand why a pedophile is what they are, or why they do what they do to a child or a minor? Or just wants that person hung from the nearest tree?

    In most cases, pedophilia can not be rehabilitated. Most are going to be repeat offenders once they are released.

    I don't make the laws, or set the sentences, but I'm not uncomfortable with the death penalty being handed out for pedophiles.
    The overwhelming reason to want to know what makes them the way they are and why they do what they do would be to be able to medically or psyciatrically treat whatever it is that makes someone a pedophile in the first place. Finding that out could lead to a cure to prevent them from ever actually molesting/sexually assaulting another child. Medical knowledge of why they do it might even lead to a method to detect who might become a pedophile later in life.

    The justice system in this country is unlikely to execute them (although that might be the most expedient and certainly the surest method of non-recidivism) or even to incarcerate them for life; so, if giving them a pill or performing an operation or altering their hormone levels or whatever would prevent them from ever doing stuff like that ever again - it would be a blessing for children, I think. I wonder if neutering them would work; I seem to remember some pedophile(s) being given the option of chemical castration (I think it was called that) but the defense lawyer successfully had it squashed in court many years ago.

    And to answer your question, even though it was probably rhetorical: Yeah - I believe some parents, probably many if not most of them, would want to know why a monster sexually assaulted their child. That is not to say they would not, at least at first, want them executed but people whose children have been molested go through a lot of phases after such a thing. One thing that knowing why they do it could be important to a parent is that it would help the parent accept the fact that it was not the parent's fault it happened. Believe me, many parents blame themselves, some short term and some long term, at least to some extent when anything as terrible as that happens to their children.
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