Why did Billy Joe Mcallister jump off the Tallahatchee bridge?

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  • easy rider

    Process Fabricator
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    Jun 10, 2015
    Odessa, Tx
    Now you made me go and look, so I guess I'll go with what Bobbie Gentry said herself in 1967:

    "It's entirely a matter of interpretation as from each individual's viewpoint. But I've hoped to get across the basic indifference, the casualness, of people in moments of tragedy. Something terrible has happened, but it's 'pass the black-eyed peas', or 'y'all remember to wipe your feet.'"


    Omnipotent Potentate for hire.
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    Oct 4, 2013
    Gunz are icky.
    He laid with man!
    soup nazi.jpg


    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    But it doesn't say that in the song.

    True, but they do mention that the preacher saw two people that looked like the singer and Billy Joe throwing something from the Tallahatchee Bridge. Given the rest of the song, one could easily assume they were throwing a baby - be it alive, stillborn, or miscarried. Or it could be they were throwing the body of someone else.

    Given that Billy Joe was so wracked with guilt that he ended his own life by jumping off the bridge, we are lead to infer it was related to the singer, and thus probably a baby they made together. Of course you have to then wonder - how did she hide the pregnancy if that was the case? Maybe she's a corn fed country girl, or maybe she miscarried or self aborted early on? Maybe everyone knew she was pregnant, and thus the indifference by the rest because of the cruel nature of small towns in those times?

    easy rider

    Process Fabricator
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    Jun 10, 2015
    Odessa, Tx
    True, but they do mention that the preacher saw two people that looked like the singer and Billy Joe throwing something from the Tallahatchee Bridge. Given the rest of the song, one could easily assume they were throwing a baby - be it alive, stillborn, or miscarried. Or it could be they were throwing the body of someone else.

    Given that Billy Joe was so wracked with guilt that he ended his own life by jumping off the bridge, we are lead to infer it was related to the singer, and thus probably a baby they made together. Of course you have to then wonder - how did she hide the pregnancy if that was the case? Maybe she's a corn fed country girl, or maybe she miscarried or self aborted early on? Maybe everyone knew she was pregnant, and thus the indifference by the rest because of the cruel nature of small towns in those times?
    Having read about the song and Bobbie Gentry, I don't believe she had any related experience. Although she was born in that area, she moved with her mom to Palm Springs at 13.


    30 Super Carry Post Whore 2K Champ
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    Apr 20, 2020
    Having read about the song and Bobbie Gentry, I don't believe she had any related experience. Although she was born in that area, she moved with her mom to Palm Springs at 13.

    I know - but when I say "singer" I'm referring to her character in the song, since its sung from her point of view.
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