Wife makes me watch MTV VMA's. A logical look into the decay of society.

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  • shilohshooters

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    Mar 29, 2008
    north houston
    Not to start off mushy, but the wife and I had a great dinner date this evening and topped it off by watching a favorite show of mine, "Entourage". Now I realize that after a date, me getting to watch one of my shows means I should reciprocate and watch one of hers. So after easing back and enjoying Entourage, Wifey decided to pop on the MTV video music awards. After the intro song (supposed to be an attention getter, ya know?) that sounds just like every other song you hear on crappy radio stations, some self-professed "famous celebrity" from the U.K. took the stage as Host of the evening. Now I have never heard of nor seen this man before, but he took an American stage and began a love campaign begging his audience to "Please in the name of God, elect Barack Obama!" Shortly followed by rants against George Bush, John McCain, Sara Palin, Republicans, and those who think with a Republican view, as idiots, hate-mongers, and mentally challenged. As I gritted my teeth and entertained the thought of putting a 12 gauge slug through my t.v. to end this madness once and for all, I realized the entire audience of "celebrities" were cheering and applauding this horribly, ill-informed, pacifist, bitch of a sprite lad from overseas. Gone are the days when this He-She ( if you had to watch it, you know what I am talking about ) would have been booed off stage and shown his way through "The Back-door". At least in Hollywood. I'm sure he would love for us to elect Obama to give his Queen a better shot at ruling the U.S.A.! The most disturbing thing is that these Sheeple "celebrities" are applauding his every word, and these people are what our kids watch and aspire to be. And too many American kids are babysat by their TV. These Sheeple become role models. More Sheeple are bred. Anti-Americanism and stupidity are spread. Block MTV from your TV. Hell, get rid of your cable. MTV is spreading it's poison through highly publicized, highly rated, anti-American "Specials". It's time to turn off the t.v. and go play ball with the kids or neighbors. Thats just me. I hope we share the same views.


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    May 28, 2008
    Ft Worth, TX

    I have removed MTV from all of our televisions. Besides the political indoctrination, the sexual immorality and "urbanization" it crams down the throats of our youth is disgusting.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    I limit my kids TV time and I stay away from MTV because there are no music videos anymore.Our society has ruined our children with all the garbage they have on cable TV.I have my kids involved in lots of activities to keep them away from the TV.


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    Jul 22, 2008
    Waxahachie, Texas
    Unfortunately, we watched the VMA's also. My teenage son wanted to watch it so we said ok. Once the British host started his rant I was so pissed off that MTV and its producers would allow a foreigner to say such things. I thought about writing a letter to MTV but that won't do any good.

    My son who just turned 18 will not vote for Obama. Thank God he is smart enough to see through that Islamic piece of crap!


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    MTV sucks. I have never liked MTV. I know that the "new" MTV of recent years is quite a bit different from the MTV from say the 80's. I never watched MTV back then so I don't know how it was. The new MTV is about as superficial as any TV station I've ever seen before.


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    Aug 26, 2008
    NW San Antonio
    I was playing flippy channel killing time till my Watch Show. I happened to catch the very beginning so I stopped for a bit, When that punk (who the hell was he anyways?) from across the pond started bashing republicans I wanted to puke. And when all of these celebrity sheeple applauded all of his idiotic rhetoric... what morons. Some of these people can't think for themselves so they go with what is popular in their "world". Get these people out from behind their gated estates and bodygaurds and see who they support when they are blocks from a robbery or murder, and realize they don't have their own police to protect their families. Sheez..I was just going to respond that I thought he sucked.....rant over... :patriot:


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Well, at least we can take solace in the fact that he's from the UK, so he's already lost most of his civil rights. At least we still have most of them. ;)


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    Mar 29, 2008
    north houston
    Red, the days of 2 girls making out on MTV are gone. It's more shocking and morally vacuos to show a couple of dudes cramming each others meat flappers down each others throat.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    MTV sucks. I have never liked MTV. I know that the "new" MTV of recent years is quite a bit different from the MTV from say the 80's. I never watched MTV back then so I don't know how it was. The new MTV is about as superficial as any TV station I've ever seen before.

    I remember the old MTV, it was nothing but music videos. The "shows" were simply different hours that had different genres. It was basically like radio, but on TV with videos.

    Now you can never see a music video on MTV, you have to go to MTV2 or whatever it was that they created for the old programming.


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    Apr 5, 2008
    Frisco, Texas
    Liberals take over of MTV

    Liberals should never be in any position of importance. They have taken over the schools, from pre-school to the universities, and we get indoctrination centers, they have taken over the media and we get slanted, agenda driven and bias news reporting, they have taken over the arts and we get anti-American, anti-family, left wing, documentaries disguised as movies filled with filthy language, they have taken over the governments and indoctrinated the people of Europe and now the church's in Europe are nearly empty and all of Europe is losing it's identity and national pride to a wave of cancerous, murderous Muslims who will eventually enslave them. They allow their government to tax the incentive out of their productive people, and all in the name of political correctness. Now we have a liberal Senate and House and we get endless attacks on our president, all in his regime and our political candidates at a time when we are at war. They disrupt and confuse issues until we can hardly recognize what the original problem was.
    In my opinion, liberalism is much more dangerous to our civilization than terrorism. The enemy within is a apt name for liberals. Go to any left wing, liberal web site and/or MTV for a dose of vulgarity and hate filled rants from those who have already been indoctrinated. They relish the coarsening of our society and the downfall of the West and especially America, with no thought as to where they or their children will be if they ever get their way. To continue to allow the inmates to run the asylum would be a big mistake!


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    Mar 29, 2008
    north houston
    TxPhantom, I don't think that could be more eloquently put! I must post a disclaimer for my wife. Even though she wanted to watch the VMA's, as soon as that viral communist host began his assault on America, she gently put the remote on my leg, sensing my disgust. She prodded me to change the channel, as she too was sickened. I continued to watch for another 3 or 4 minutes in astonishment at the absurdity on the tube. When I couldn't take it anymore, I went to my favorite website to spew my hatred for MTV. Thank you TGT for giving us the opportunity to share our views with like minded, free thinking individuals.


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    Just so ya know.................... Watching MTV will make your johnson shrink, even just one hour will cause this. be careful or you and your wife will be sorry
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