Gun Zone Deals

Intro for our business

David Lott

New Member
Industry Partner
Hi, I wanted to post a few pics of what we do here at DI Precision. We wanted to have a place where a customer could come in and see, touch and feel or even shoot a rifle before they purchase it. A Pro Precision Rifle shop. We build rifles to compete in PRS/NRL and take what we have learned and apply it to lightweight hunting rifles, we also offer training classes on how to shoot correctly for those desiring to learn the craft of precision long-range shooting.
Texas SOT

David Lott

New Member
Industry Partner
I had no idea that was a thing.
I measure mine using pew/no-pew method.

ETA- and welcome to the forum!
Do you serve Blue Bell in your classes?
In rimfire, we are looking for enough to get ignition and no more., done right we can get 1" groups at 200 yards with match ammo.