baikal mp 135

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    1. E

      magnum vs super magnum shotgun

      hi everybody i'm about to get a new shotgun. it'll be the baikal mp 153. it comes in magnum and super magnum version and the price difference between both is negligible. i'd like to shoot both trap loads 24 grams and magnum for hunting. the super magnum its a nice feature to have if in a shtf...
    2. E

      590a1 vs benelli vs baikal mp 135

      hi everybody i'd like some opinions on the following subject. i have a benelli supernova 20 inch barrel and would like to get a second HD shotgun. i've never been a hunter and never will so it ain't gonna be used for that. i am somewhere between the mossberg 590a1 20inch barrel 9+1 rounds plus...
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