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    1. S

      NRA takes aim at proposed Longmeadow law banning assault rifles, restricting gun-carr

      NRA takes aim at proposed Longmeadow law banning assault rifles, restricting gun-carrying rights in town LONGMEADOW — Proposed town bylaws tightening gun control measures in Longmeadow have drawn the ire of the National Rifle Association. The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)...
    2. JonFTC

      The NRA Revolver Video - American Legacy Firearms

      Here is our latest video for the NRA Revolver. We hope you like it. American Legacy Firearms - NRA® 2014 Revolver on Vimeo
    3. erratadata

      SCORE!! Friends of NRA Banquet

      Dropped $40 on 2 tickets and won this: It was part of the "Kill it, Chill it, Grill it" package, along with a 60 QT cooler, portable gas grill, Yamaha rifle scabbard (for ATV). hat and grill lighter. Fun time and a lot of great guns and chances to win. I don't know why more of you TGT's...
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