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    1. K

      WTB WTB Magpul Hunter American Stock - Ruger Short action - (Live in Brenham area)

      Color of stock does not matter. Even better if it is a STANAG. I live in the Brenham area but will drive a reasonable distance for the right sales price. Thanks
    2. P

      WTB MP5 Stock [San Antonio]

      I'm looking to purchase a stock for the MP5 H&K retractable A3 type stock. Any other MP5 parts I may also be interested in. I'm located in San Antonio. Please let me know what you have. Thanks
    3. Senor John Seven Six two

      WTS Ruger 10/22 Extreme Electric Blue Stock / Cypress TX

      NIB Revolution Extreme Electric Blue Stock. Rev 10007 version. This I believe is for a standard barrel and not a .920 bull Barrell. Price is $185.00 I am listing for 10 dollars less than the Walmart price. Thanks Fits easily on the Ruger 10/22
    4. J

      A2 Stock

      Hello all, I am changing up my AR and I would like to add an A2 stock to it. Before I buy new, I was wondering if anyone had one they took off their rifle that they would like to get rid of. If you do, please let me know. Thanks! Jeremy
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